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Websocket (v0.11.0)

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@toby1991 toby1991 released this 02 Aug 08:46
· 23 commits to master since this release


  • Feat: Websocket support

  • Feat: Name route support

  • Feat: Log now support interface{} for the first param

  • Feat: Make Totoval more compatible with multi port serve

  • Feat: Add Totoval monitor

  • Feat: Change request.Context from struct to interface

  • Fix: move RequestUser from controller to Context

  • Fix: An User getter issue in controller which may cause each request's data cross using by different request.

  • Fix: A bug of view binding


  1. func (d *Dashboard) Index(c *request.Context) { -> func (d *Dashboard) Index(c request.Context) {

  2. middleware

func BasicAuth(accounts map[string]string) request.HandlerFunc {
	return func(c request.Context) {


func BasicAuth(accounts map[string]string) request.HandlerFunc {
	return func(c request.Context) {
  1. func(c request.Context) {:c.Request. -> c.Request().
  2. func(c request.Context) {:c.Params -> c.Params()
  3. set c.Writer, use c.SetWriter()
  4. set c.Request, use c.SetRequest()
  5. replace .Scan(c) in controller, user c.ScanUserWithJSON(), c is the Context
  6. replace .User().Value() in controller, use c.User().Value(), c is the Context