Theodoros Papakostas
- This is a function that reads data from 5 sensors measurements, and calculates several statistic values,plots etc. *All files in this folder are needed for the code to run properly. *Short description of the code: #import scipy as stats #read data, in dataframe #Stats for dataset HEATA,B,C,D,E #Temperature variable of the datasets,histogram #frequency polygons #boxplots for WindDirection,WindSpeed,Temperature of the 5 sensors #PMF, 5 sensors Temperature #PDF, 5 sensors Temperature #CDF, 5 sensors Temperature #PDF, 5 sensors Wind Speed, with Kernel Density Estimation #Correlations, 5 sensors Temperature, Wet Bulb Globe & Crosswind Speed #Interpolation of sensors' data #Coefficients of sensors' data #Coeffs scatter plots #CDF, Wind Speed of the 5 sensors #def mean_confidence_interval #function that sorts and finds hottest and coolest days of the datasets