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refactor: enhance clip name sanitization and path handling in media h…
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- Improved the `sanitizeClipName` function to handle path traversal attempts more robustly, including case-insensitive checks for Windows compatibility.
- Added normalization of path separators and ensured the removal of the 'clips/' prefix is case-insensitive.
- Enhanced the `getFullPath` and `getSpectrogramPath` functions for consistent path handling and validation.
- Implemented checks for final path length to prevent exceeding system limits.
- Added detailed debug logging for better traceability during path sanitization and file existence checks.
  • Loading branch information
tphakala committed Jan 24, 2025
1 parent b60845e commit 5092b32
Showing 1 changed file with 136 additions and 33 deletions.
169 changes: 136 additions & 33 deletions internal/httpcontroller/handlers/media.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,15 +61,23 @@ func (h *Handlers) sanitizeClipName(clipName string) (string, error) {

// Clean the path and ensure it's relative
cleanPath := filepath.Clean(decodedClipName)

// Convert to forward slashes and normalize multiple separators
cleanPath = strings.ReplaceAll(cleanPath, "\\", "/")
cleanPath = strings.ReplaceAll(cleanPath, "//", "/")
h.Debug("sanitizeClipName: Cleaned path: %s", cleanPath)

if strings.Contains(cleanPath, "..") {
// Check for path traversal attempts
if strings.Contains(cleanPath, "../") || strings.Contains(cleanPath, "..\\") {
h.Debug("sanitizeClipName: Path traversal attempt detected: %s", cleanPath)
return "", ErrPathTraversal

// Remove 'clips/' prefix if present
cleanPath = strings.TrimPrefix(cleanPath, "clips/")
// Remove 'clips/' prefix if present (case-insensitive for Windows compatibility)
prefixLower := strings.ToLower(cleanPath)
if strings.HasPrefix(prefixLower, "clips/") {
cleanPath = cleanPath[6:] // Remove "clips/" (6 characters)
h.Debug("sanitizeClipName: Path after removing clips prefix: %s", cleanPath)

// If the path is absolute, make it relative to the export path
Expand All @@ -78,15 +86,31 @@ func (h *Handlers) sanitizeClipName(clipName string) (string, error) {
exportPath := conf.Setting().Realtime.Audio.Export.Path
h.Debug("sanitizeClipName: Export path from settings: %s", exportPath)

if strings.HasPrefix(cleanPath, exportPath) {
// Remove the export path prefix to make it relative
cleanPath = strings.TrimPrefix(cleanPath, exportPath)
cleanPath = strings.TrimPrefix(cleanPath, string(os.PathSeparator))
h.Debug("sanitizeClipName: Converted to relative path: %s", cleanPath)
// Case-insensitive check for Windows compatibility
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
cleanPathLower := strings.ToLower(cleanPath)
exportPathLower := strings.ToLower(exportPath)
if strings.HasPrefix(cleanPathLower, exportPathLower) {
cleanPath = cleanPath[len(exportPath):]
cleanPath = strings.TrimPrefix(cleanPath, string(os.PathSeparator))
} else {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid path: absolute path not under export directory")
} else {
h.Debug("sanitizeClipName: Absolute path not under export directory: %s", cleanPath)
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid path: absolute path not under export directory")
if strings.HasPrefix(cleanPath, exportPath) {
cleanPath = strings.TrimPrefix(cleanPath, exportPath)
cleanPath = strings.TrimPrefix(cleanPath, string(os.PathSeparator))
} else {
return "", fmt.Errorf("invalid path: absolute path not under export directory")
h.Debug("sanitizeClipName: Converted to relative path: %s", cleanPath)

// Check final path length including the export path
fullPath := filepath.Join(conf.Setting().Realtime.Audio.Export.Path, cleanPath)
if len(fullPath) > 250 { // Safe limit for most OS
return "", fmt.Errorf("final path length exceeds system limits")

// Convert to forward slashes for web URLs
Expand All @@ -98,8 +122,20 @@ func (h *Handlers) sanitizeClipName(clipName string) (string, error) {

// getFullPath returns the full filesystem path for a relative clip path
func getFullPath(relativePath string) string {
// Clean the relative path first
relativePath = filepath.Clean(relativePath)

// Get the export path
exportPath := conf.Setting().Realtime.Audio.Export.Path
return filepath.Join(exportPath, relativePath)

// If relativePath already starts with the export path, return it cleaned
if strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(relativePath), strings.ToLower(exportPath)) {
return relativePath

// Join and clean the paths
fullPath := filepath.Join(exportPath, relativePath)
return filepath.Clean(fullPath)

// getWebPath converts a filesystem path to a web-safe path
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,64 +207,131 @@ func (h *Handlers) ThumbnailAttribution(scientificName string) template.HTML {

// ServeSpectrogram serves or generates a spectrogram for a given clip.
func (h *Handlers) ServeSpectrogram(c echo.Context) error {
h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Handler called with URL: %s", c.Request().URL.String())

// Extract clip name from the query parameters
clipName := c.QueryParam("clip")
h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Raw clip name from query: %s", clipName)

// Sanitize the clip name
sanitizedClipName, err := h.sanitizeClipName(clipName)
if err != nil {
h.Debug("Error sanitizing clip name: %v", err)
h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Error sanitizing clip name: %v", err)
return c.File("assets/images/spectrogram-placeholder.svg")
h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Sanitized clip name: %s", sanitizedClipName)

// Get the full path to the audio file
// Get the full path to the audio file using consistent path handling
fullPath := getFullPath(sanitizedClipName)
h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Full audio path: %s", fullPath)

// Verify that the audio file exists
exists, err := fileExists(fullPath)
if err != nil {
h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Error checking audio file: %v", err)
return c.File("assets/images/spectrogram-placeholder.svg")
if !exists {
h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Audio file not found: %s", fullPath)
return c.File("assets/images/spectrogram-placeholder.svg")
h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Audio file exists at: %s", fullPath)

// Construct the path to the spectrogram image
spectrogramPath, err := h.getSpectrogramPath(fullPath, 400) // Assuming 400px width
if err != nil {
h.Debug("Error getting spectrogram path: %v", err)
h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Error getting spectrogram path: %v", err)
return c.File("assets/images/spectrogram-placeholder.svg")
h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Final spectrogram path: %s", spectrogramPath)

// Verify the spectrogram exists
exists, err = fileExists(spectrogramPath)
if err != nil {
h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Error checking spectrogram file: %v", err)
return c.File("assets/images/spectrogram-placeholder.svg")
if !exists {
h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Spectrogram file not found, attempting to create it")
// Try to create the spectrogram
if err := createSpectrogramWithSoX(fullPath, spectrogramPath, 400); err != nil {
h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Failed to create spectrogram: %v", err)
return c.File("assets/images/spectrogram-placeholder.svg")
h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Successfully created spectrogram at: %s", spectrogramPath)

// Serve the spectrogram image file
// Final check if the spectrogram exists after potential creation
exists, _ = fileExists(spectrogramPath)
if !exists {
h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Spectrogram still not found after creation attempt: %s", spectrogramPath)
return c.File("assets/images/spectrogram-placeholder.svg")

h.Debug("ServeSpectrogram: Serving spectrogram file: %s", spectrogramPath)
return c.File(spectrogramPath)

// getSpectrogramPath generates the path to the spectrogram image file for a given audio file
func (h *Handlers) getSpectrogramPath(audioFileName string, width int) (string, error) {
// Generate file paths
// Clean the audio file path first
audioFileName = filepath.Clean(audioFileName)
h.Debug("getSpectrogramPath: Input audio path: %s", audioFileName)

// Get the export path
exportPath := conf.Setting().Realtime.Audio.Export.Path
h.Debug("getSpectrogramPath: Export path: %s", exportPath)

// Convert both paths to forward slashes for consistent comparison
audioFileNameSlash := strings.ReplaceAll(audioFileName, "\\", "/")
exportPathSlash := strings.ReplaceAll(exportPath, "\\", "/")

// Ensure we're working with the correct base directory
if !strings.HasPrefix(strings.ToLower(audioFileNameSlash), strings.ToLower(exportPathSlash)) {
// If the path doesn't already include the export path, add it
audioFileName = filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(exportPath, audioFileName))
h.Debug("getSpectrogramPath: Full audio path: %s", audioFileName)

// Generate file paths using the same directory as the audio file
dir := filepath.Dir(audioFileName)
h.Debug("getSpectrogramPath: Directory path: %s", dir)

baseNameWithoutExt := strings.TrimSuffix(filepath.Base(audioFileName), filepath.Ext(audioFileName))
h.Debug("getSpectrogramPath: Base name without extension: %s", baseNameWithoutExt)

spectrogramFileName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%dpx.png", baseNameWithoutExt, width)
spectrogramPath := filepath.Join(dir, spectrogramFileName)
h.Debug("getSpectrogramPath: Spectrogram filename: %s", spectrogramFileName)

// Convert to web-friendly path
webFriendlyPath := strings.ReplaceAll(spectrogramPath, string(os.PathSeparator), "/")
// Join paths using OS-specific separators and clean the result
spectrogramPath := filepath.Clean(filepath.Join(dir, spectrogramFileName))
h.Debug("getSpectrogramPath: Final spectrogram path: %s", spectrogramPath)

// Check if the spectrogram already exists
if spectrogramExists, err := fileExists(spectrogramPath); err != nil {
exists, err := fileExists(spectrogramPath)
if err != nil {
h.Debug("getSpectrogramPath: Error checking spectrogram existence: %v", err)
return "", fmt.Errorf("error checking spectrogram file: %w", err)
} else if spectrogramExists {
return webFriendlyPath, nil
if exists {
h.Debug("getSpectrogramPath: Existing spectrogram found at: %s", spectrogramPath)
return spectrogramPath, nil
h.Debug("getSpectrogramPath: No existing spectrogram found at: %s", spectrogramPath)

// Check if the original audio file exists
if audioExists, err := fileExists(audioFileName); err != nil {
log.Printf("error checking audio file: %s", err)
exists, err = fileExists(audioFileName)
if err != nil {
h.Debug("getSpectrogramPath: Error checking audio file: %v", err)
return "", fmt.Errorf("error checking audio file: %w", err)
} else if !audioExists {
log.Printf("audio file does not exist: %s", audioFileName)
return "", fmt.Errorf("audio file does not exist: %s", audioFileName)

// Create the spectrogram
if err := createSpectrogramWithSoX(audioFileName, spectrogramPath, width); err != nil {
log.Printf("error creating spectrogram: %s", err)
return "", fmt.Errorf("error creating spectrogram: %w", err)
if !exists {
h.Debug("getSpectrogramPath: Audio file does not exist at: %s", audioFileName)
return "", fmt.Errorf("audio file does not exist: %s", audioFileName)
h.Debug("getSpectrogramPath: Audio file exists at: %s", audioFileName)

return webFriendlyPath, nil
return spectrogramPath, nil

// fileExists checks if a file exists and is not a directory
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