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A realtime application that provides notification messages for your Ghost Blog. Winner of the MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022


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Winner of the MongoDB Hackathon 2022 on

Realtime notifications for your Ghost Blog

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About the Project

This project is a selfhosted MVP for realtime notifications in Ghost CMS. It's my submission to the 2022 MongoDB hackathon on

Ghost Notifier is built on top of MongoDB ChangeStreams and Ghost webhooks to deliver notifications whenever a new article is published or an existing article is updated.

ghost-notifier landing page

Built With

Get started

I've added to alternate ways for your to give this application a ride:

  • Simulate Ghost Webhooks with a HTTP client and check the app logs on localhost:3000/ (the 'Simulation approach')
  • Start a Ghost Instance locally, register webhooks and the frontend library (the 'Ghost approach')

In the following, I'll explain both in greater detail.


Start by cloning this repos into a folder of your choice and renaming the .env.example file to .env:

# http
git clone

# ssh
git clone

# Rename env file
cp .env.example .env

Rename the .env.example into .env file and add your MongoDB atlas credentials.

You can find the username, password and URL in your MongoDB Atlas console


Next, open a terminal and type

$ npm install
$ npm run dev

This will start the application at http://localhost:3000. When you open your browser, you'll see a log of incoming messages.

It's still empty, so let's look how we can fill it up to look more like this:

The Simulation approach

For this approach, you'll need an HTTP client. I recommend you to use the REST Client VSCode plugin from the marketplace.

Head over to the examples/simulation folder. If you're using the plugin, you can use the file to send the requests with the matching payload. If you're using a client like Postman, you can grab the create and update paylods from the payloads folder:

After sending the paylods, check your application at http://localhost:3000/ and you should see a new entry added to the list.

The Ghost approach

If you want to see the full example, you'll need to start a Ghost instance locally. I've added a basic docker-compose file to the project for you to get started with. If you'd like to install Ghost manually or you get stuck during the installation, please follow the official docs here

Starting a Ghost Instance

Open up a terminal and type

# Using the binary
docker-compose up

# Using the plugin
docker compose up

Then, open your browser at http://localhost:2368/ghost/. After activating your site, you can start creating the necessary webhooks and inject the frontend library with Ghost's code injection feature

Create the webhooks

Ghost can be configured to send HTTP POST requests to a custom URL when an event occurs. We'll use this feature to insert a notification into MongoDB whenever

  • A new post is published
  • A published post is updated

Before adding the webhooks, you must create a new custom integration under http://localhost:2368/ghost/#/settings/integrations

Let's add the create - webhook first.

Ghost is a serverside process in a docker container, so you cannot use http://localhost:3000, but must the IP address of your machine in your local network. You can use ifconfig on UNIX systems or ipconfig on Windows to find it out.

  • Name: Ghost-Post-published
  • Event: Post published
  • URL: -IP-address of your computer in your network-:3000/api/article/publish

Next, add the update - webhook:

  • Name: Ghost-Post-updated
  • Event: Post updated
  • URL: -IP-address of your computer in your network-:3000/api/article/update

You can check whether the webhooks work by creating a new post under http://localhost:2368/ghost/#/editor/post and updating it. The log on http://localhost:3000 will receive a new entry with every create/update.

Registering the Frontend Library

Finally, we want the readers to see these notifications as well. Since Ghost is a headless CMS, the clientside UI implementation always depends on the use case. I've decided to add a small piece of Javascript that adds a notification button + dropdown to Ghost's default theme Casper. It's served by Ghost-Notifier under the static path /plugin

Assuming your Ghost-Notifier runs on post http://localhost:3000/, you can use Ghost's code injection to automatically load the library like this:

<link href="http://localhost:3000/plugin/ghost-plugin.css" rel="stylesheet">
  • In the Site Footer section, add
<script src="http://localhost:3000/plugin/ghost-plugin.js"></script>

Open http://localhost:2368/ again. You should see a small bell-icon in the upper right corner. Try and publish a post now and you'll see a small right badge on the top right. Click on the button and you'll receve a list of post update notifications.

Connect to LaMetric (optional & limit to local network)

LaMetric is a smart home device that can receive HTTP calls from inside a network. I've added a small bit of optional code in the noficiation.listener file that connects to LaMEtric and sends a new notification whenever a webhook is triggered. I've also recorded a brief video to showcase its funtionality. You can check it out on Youtube: or try it yourself if you have the hardware.

To activate this feature, add the following two variables to your .env file:

LAMETRIC_IP=<la-metric-ip-address>   # e.g.
LAMETRIC_API_KEY=<la-metric-api-key> # See for more info


Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.

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Please tell me how you liked the submission. You can reach me on Twitter or on

Mail: - Twitter: @qbitme

Project Link:

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A realtime application that provides notification messages for your Ghost Blog. Winner of the MongoDB Atlas Hackathon 2022








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