A CPU renderer using z-buffer scan line algorithm.
Course project for Computer Graphics.
Main feature: render 3d models using z-buffer scan line algorithm on CPU
- Support: camera manipulation
- Support: fps ~30 for small scenes
- Support: common model formats
- Support: texture
- Support: post-render effects using shaders (like anti-aliasing)
- Not support: lighting
- Not support: concurrency
Prebuilt dependencies for Windows 10 x64 VS2015 are included in the repo.
Prepare dependencies if necessary
Use CMake to configure the project
Build (only tested on Win10 VS2015 x64)
Run the program given an integer [1-4] as argument, e.g. :
./ScanLine.exe 2 #choose the 2nd prepared model
You can use mouse to rotate and zoom the model
- Read models as DrawableObject class
- Use ZBufferScanLine class to rasterize the scene into a single quad of pixels
- Render the quad on a window using a simple shader