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Kyrix Local Debugging

Wenbo Tao edited this page Aug 25, 2020 · 2 revisions

For expert users only - requires local manual installation

Note: this is the setup for local debugging for the nba example, but it should generalize to any kyrix visualization ideally

  1. initialize/start the db using normal postgres method -->

  2. In local pg instance shell, run:

    • CREATE USER kyrix WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'kyrix_password';
    • CREATE DATABASE kyrix OWNER kyrix;
    • CREATE DATABASE nba OWNER kyrix;
  3. change reload script & run

    • e.g. "./compiler/examples/nba/"
    • add PGCONN set to localhost, etc
    • run manually to build source data tables
  4. run backend using maven

    • compile: mvn -B compile | tee mvn-compile.out >/dev/null 2>&1

    • start backend: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="main.Main"

  5. send project definition via node if starting app for first time, run node nba.js otherwise, to avoid recompute, run: node nba.js -s

    • "-s" option makes backend server not recompute data from source or rebuild indexes