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Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'trade_it', github: 'stockflare/trade-it', tag: '0.1.0'


This Gem wraps all interactions with The TradeIt API into a format that is convenient for our own internal APIs.

Once installed all TradeIt actions are objects within the TradeIt module. Each object is initialized with the parameters required for the TradeIt call and has one call method to execute the communications with TradeIt. All objects return the result of the TradeIt interaction in a response attribute that supports to_h

It is expected that most Stockflare use cases will only use the response.payload as this is a parsed version of the TradeIt response suitable for Stockflare and it is this output that is tested. For convenience the response.payload is delivered as a Hashie::Mash to allow for method based access, for instance you can can access the status of the call by using response.payload.status.

Additionally a response.raw is provided that contains the raw TradeIt response. This is provided for development and debug purposes only. Upstream users should only rely on the response.payload and response.messages. This will allow us to deal with minor breaking changes in the TradeIt API (which is currently in QA) without having to make code changes in upstream users.

All Error cases are handled by raising a subclass of Trading::Errors::TradingException, this object exposes a number of attributes that can you can to_h to the consumer.

Configuration Values

Two attributes need to be set

TradeIt.configure do |config|
  config.api_uri = ENV['TRADEIT_BASE_URI']
  config.api_key = ENV['TRADEIT_API_KEY']


We current support the following broker symbols

  td: 'TD',
  etrade: 'Etrade',
  scottrade: 'Scottrade',
  fidelity: 'Fidelity',
  schwab: 'Schwab',
  trade_station: 'TradeStation',
  robinhood: 'Robinhood',
  options_house: 'OptionsHouse',
  ib: 'IB',
  tradier: 'Tradier',
  dummy: 'Dummy'

Order Actions

  buy: 'buy',
  sell: 'sell',
  buy_to_cover: 'buyToCover',
  sell_short: 'sellShort'

Price Types

  market: 'market',
  limit: 'limit',
  stop_market: 'stopMarket',
  stop_limit: 'stopLimit'

Order Expirations

  day: 'day',
  gtc: 'gtc'

Note that the test user does not support type :gtc


Get a Users oAuth token

Example Call:
  username: username,
  password: password,
  broker: broker

Successful response:

{ raw:   { 'longMessages' => nil,
           'shortMessage' => 'User succesfully linked',
           'status' => 'SUCCESS',
           'token' => '86f1546f42a44f17a60d59937b261397',
           'userId' => '0bf145522335273053ca',
           'userToken' =>
    '6j6rx91SaeuYsHHwxcW%2BsUGn5ZN%2FvfTsmWGLGnr4oPI%3DFahzxUqAhkLGhOyR%2FpxgKw%3D%3D' },
  status: 200,
  payload:   { type: 'success',
               user_id: '0bf145522335273053ca',
               user_token:     '6j6rx91SaeuYsHHwxcW%2BsUGn5ZN%2FvfTsmWGLGnr4oPI%3DFahzxUqAhkLGhOyR%2FpxgKw%3D%3D' },
  messages: ['User succesfully linked'] }

Link failure will raise a Trading::Errors::LoginException with the following attributes:

{ type: :error,
  code: 500,
  description: 'Could Not Login',
  messages: ['Check your username and password and try again.'] }


example call:
  user_id: user_id,
  user_token: user_token

Successful response without security question:

{ raw:   { 'accounts' =>
    [{ 'account_number' => 'brkAcct1',
       'name' => 'Individual Account (XX878977484)' }],
           'longMessages' => nil,
           'shortMessage' => 'Credential Successfully Validated',
           'status' => 'SUCCESS',
           'token' => 'ce15f0eb7a9a473eb40687cdf3150479' },
  status: 200,
  payload:   { type: 'success',
               token: 'ce15f0eb7a9a473eb40687cdf3150479',
               accounts:     [{"account_number"=>"brkAcct1",
                "name"=>"Individual Account (XX878977484)",
                "value"=>nil}] },
  messages: ['Credential Successfully Validated'] }

Successful response requesting security question

{ raw:   { 'challengeImage' => nil,
           'errorFields' => nil,
           'informationLongMessage' => nil,
           'informationShortMessage' => 'Send',
           'informationType' => 'SECURITY_QUESTION',
           'longMessages' => nil,
           'securityQuestion' => "What is your mother's maiden name",
           'securityQuestionOptions' => [],
           'shortMessage' => nil,
           'status' => 'INFORMATION_NEEDED',
           'token' => '7994ee5d86bc4a168d450f268a7cd17b' },
  status: 200,
  payload:   { type: 'verify',
               challenge: 'question',
               token: '7994ee5d86bc4a168d450f268a7cd17b',
               data: { question: "What is your mother's maiden name", answers: [] } },
  messages: [] }

Successful response requesting image style security question

The encoded image is Base64 encoded

{ raw:   { 'challengeImage' =>
           'errorFields' => nil,
           'informationLongMessage' => nil,
           'informationShortMessage' => nil,
           'informationType' => 'SECURITY_QUESTION',
           'longMessages' => nil,
           'securityQuestion' =>
    'Two card index numbers are shown in the image below. Please enter them without spaces to proceed.',
           'securityQuestionOptions' => [],
           'shortMessage' => nil,
           'status' => 'INFORMATION_NEEDED',
           'token' => '99db99b421df419c9d02907dff146e2c' },
  status: 200,
  payload:   { type: 'verify',
               challenge: 'image',
               token: '99db99b421df419c9d02907dff146e2c',
               data:     { encoded:       'iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAc4AAAA....' } },
  messages: [] }

Login failure will raise a Trading::Errors::LoginException with the following attributes:

{ type: :error,
  code: 500,
  description: 'Could Not Login',
  messages: ['Check your username and password and try again.'] }


Example Call
  token: <token from TradeIt::User::Login>,
  answer: answer

All success responses are identical to TradeIt::User::Login

If the user provides a bad answer then the response will be a success asking another question.

A failure will raise a Trading::Errors::LoginException with the similar attributes:

{ type: :error,
  code: 500,
  description: 'Could Not Complete Your Request',
  messages: ['Your session has expired. Please try again'] }


Get the current financial state of an account

Example Call
  token: <token from TradeIt::User::Login>,
  account_number: account_number

Example response

   "shortMessage"=>"Account Overview successfully fetched",
 :messages=>["Account Overview successfully fetched"]}

A failure will raise a Trading::Errors::LoginException with the similar attributes:

{ type: :error,
  code: 500,
  description: 'Could Not Complete Your Request',
  messages: ['Your session has expired. Please try again'] }


Example call:
  token: <token from previous login>

Successful logout response

{ raw: { 'longMessages' => nil, 'shortMessage' => nil, 'status' => 'SUCCESS', 'token' => '765b7e4056334a27a9b65033b889878e' },
  status: 200,
  payload: { type: 'success', token: '765b7e4056334a27a9b65033b889878e', accounts: nil },
  messages: [] }

Failed Logout will raise a Trading::Errors::LoginException with similar attributes:

{ type: :error,
  code: 500,
  description: 'Could Not Complete Your Request',
  messages: ['Your session has expired. Please try again'] }


Used to stop a users token from expiring, does not send you a new token

Example Call:
  token: token

Successful Response:

{ raw:   { 'longMessages' => nil,
           'shortMessage' => nil,
           'status' => 'SUCCESS',
           'token' => 'ed34e745c7714be6936370cb1026f33e' },
  status: 200,
  payload:   { type: 'success',
               token: 'ed34e745c7714be6936370cb1026f33e',
               accounts: nil },
  messages: [] }

Failed Logout will raise a Trading::Errors::LoginException with similar attributes:

{ type: :error,
  code: 500,
  description: 'Could Not Complete Your Request',
  messages: ['Your session has expired. Please try again'] }


Example Call
  token: token,
  account_number: account_number

Successful response:

{ raw:   { 'currentPage' => 0,
           'longMessages' => nil,
           'positions' =>
    [{ 'costbasis' => 103.34,
       'holdingType' => 'LONG',
       'lastPrice' => 112.34,
       'quantity' => 1.0,
       'symbol' => 'AAPL',
       'symbolClass' => 'EQUITY_OR_ETF',
       'todayGainLossDollar' => 3.0,
       'todayGainLossPercentage' => 0.34,
       'totalGainLossDollar' => 9.0,
       'totalGainLossPercentage' => 1.2 },
           'shortMessage' => 'Position successfully fetched',
           'status' => 'SUCCESS',
           'token' => 'd3e72226aad646cea9e2d6177bd50953',
           'totalPages' => 1 },
  status: 200,
  payload:   { positions:     [{ quantity: 1, price: 103.34, ticker: 'AAPL', instrument_class: 'equity_or_etf', change: 9.0, holding: 'long' },
                               { quantity: -1, price: 103.34, ticker: 'IBM', instrument_class: 'equity_or_etf', change: 9.0, holding: 'short' },
                               { quantity: 1, price: 103.34, ticker: 'GE', instrument_class: 'equity_or_etf', change: 9.0, holding: 'short' },
                               { quantity: 1, price: 103.34, ticker: 'MSFT', instrument_class: 'equity_or_etf', change: 9.0, holding: 'long' }],
               pages: 1,
               page: 0,
               token: d3e72226aad646cea9e2d6177bd50953},
  messages: ['Position successfully fetched'] }

Failed Call will raise a Trading::Errors::PositionException with similar attributes:

{ type: :error,
  code: 500,
  description: 'Could Not Fetch Your Positions',
  messages:   ['The account foooooobaaarrrr is not valid or not active anymore.'] }


Example call:
  token: token,
  account_number: account_number,
  order_action: :buy,
  quantity: 10,
  ticker: 'aapl',
  price_type: :market,
  expiration: :day

Successful response:

{ raw:   { 'ackWarningsList' => [],
           'longMessages' => nil,
           'orderDetails' =>
    { 'orderSymbol' => 'aapl',
      'orderAction' => 'Buy',
      'orderQuantity' => 10.0,
      'orderExpiration' => 'Day',
      'orderPrice' => 'Market',
      'orderValueLabel' => 'Estimated Cost',
      'orderMessage' => 'You are about to place a market order to buy AAPL',
      'lastPrice' => '19.0',
      'bidPrice' => '18.0',
      'askPrice' => '22.0',
      'timestamp' => 'Fri Feb 12 08:51:25 EST 2016',
      'estimatedOrderValue' => 25.0,
      'estimatedTotalValue' => 28.5,
      'buyingPower' => 1234.0,
      'longHoldings' => 12.0,
      'estimatedOrderCommission' => 3.5 },
           'orderId' => 1,
           'shortMessage' => nil,
           'status' => 'REVIEW_ORDER',
           'token' => '140784ef96214a5186041abebdfe038a',
           'warningsList' => [] },
  status: 200,
  payload:   { 'type' => 'review',
               'ticker' => 'aapl',
               'order_action' => :buy,
               'quantity' => 10,
               'expiration' => :day,
               'price_label' => 'Market',
               'value_label' => 'Estimated Cost',
               'message' => 'You are about to place a market order to buy AAPL',
               'last_price' => 19.0,
               'bid_price' => 18.0,
               'ask_price' => 22.0,
               'timestamp' => 1455285085,
               'buying_power' => 1234.0,
               'estimated_commission' => 3.5,
               'estimated_value' => 25.0,
               'estimated_total' => 28.5,
               'warnings' => [],
               'must_acknowledge' => [],
               'amount' => nil,
               'token' => '140784ef96214a5186041abebdfe038a' },
  messages: [] }

Any messages in payload.warnings must be displayed to the user.

any messages in payload.must_acknowledge must be shown to the user with check boxes that they must acknowledge


Place an order previously reviewed by TradeIt::Order::Preview

Example Call
  token: preview_token

Example response

{ raw:   { 'broker' => 'your broker',
           'confirmationMessage' =>
    'Your order message 4049c988b1422d52217af9 to buy 10 shares of aapl at market price has been successfully transmitted to your broker at 12/02/16 1:19 PM EST.',
           'longMessages' => ['Transmitted succesfully to your broker'],
           'orderInfo' =>
    { 'universalOrderInfo' =>
      { 'action' => 'buy',
        'quantity' => '10',
        'symbol' => 'aapl',
        'price' => { 'type' => 'market' },
        'expiration' => 'day' },
      'action' => 'Buy',
      'quantity' => 10,
      'symbol' => 'aapl',
      'price' =>
      { 'type' => 'Market',
        'last' => 19.0,
        'bid' => 18.0,
        'ask' => 22.0,
        'timestamp' => '2016-02-12T18:19:20Z' },
      'expiration' => 'Good For The Day' },
           'orderNumber' => '4049c988b1422d52217af9',
           'shortMessage' => 'Order Successfully Submitted',
           'status' => 'SUCCESS',
           'timestamp' => '12/02/16 1:19 PM EST',
           'token' => 'dc2427db16d244e7967857cc140cf011' },
  status: 200,
  payload:   { 'type' => 'success',
               'ticker' => 'aapl',
               'order_action' => :buy,
               'quantity' => 10,
               'expiration' => :day,
               'price_label' => 'Market',
               'message' =>
    'Your order message 4049c988b1422d52217af9 to buy 10 shares of aapl at market price has been successfully transmitted to your broker at 12/02/16 1:19 PM EST.',
               'last_price' => 19.0,
               'bid_price' => 18.0,
               'ask_price' => 22.0,
               'price_timestamp' => 1_455_301_160,
               'timestamp' => 1_329_416_340,
               'order_number' => '4049c988b1422d52217af9',
               'token' => 'dc2427db16d244e7967857cc140cf011' },
  messages: ['Order Successfully Submitted'] }

Failed Call will raise a Trading::Errors::OrderException with similar attributes:

 :description=>"Could Not Complete Your Request",
 :messages=>["Your session has expired. Please try again"]}


Get the status of all user orders or get the status of a single order

Example Call
  token: preview_token,

Omit the order_number to get the status of all orders for the account

Example response

            "timestamp"=>"01/01/15 12:34 PM EST"}],
   "shortMessage"=>"Order statuses successfully fetched",


Cancel an unfulfilled order. The payload is identical to TradeIt::Order::Status in that it return the order status of the cancelled order

Example Call
  token: preview_token,

Example response

   "shortMessage"=>"Order statuses successfully fetched",
 :messages=>["Order statuses successfully fetched"]}


TradeIt does not in fact suppoert this call and the result is synthesised by calling the Stockflare api-price. This call exists to allow for a identical trading flow across all broker integrations.

Example Call
  token: preview_token,
  ticker: "aapl"

Example response

{:raw=>{"aapl"=>{"la"=>97.21, "t"=>"2016-06-14T14:26:02-05:00", "c"=>-0.13, "b"=>97.22, "a"=>97.23, "h"=>98.47, "l"=>96.75, "v"=>2414084}},


Stockflare TradeIT Integration Gem






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