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Dan Guido edited this page Nov 3, 2018 · 11 revisions

Pre-built Manticore docker images are available on Docker Hub. Consider using Docker if you're having trouble with pip.

Using the Docker image

docker pull trailofbits/manticore
docker run -it -v `pwd`/examples:/home/manticore/examples manticore 
docker rm (docker ps -a -q) # delete all containers
docker images # view images

Building new images

Docker Hub automatically detects changes on Github and builds new images. It builds two sets of images:

  • the latest git tag that matches /^[0-9.]+$/ (a version number) to a docker tag named latest
  • the master branch to a docker tag named master

Users will get the latest tag when they run docker pull trailofbits/manticore

Ensure tag names only contain the version with no other characters (e.g. v0.2.1) so the regex will match.

If you want to build a new container from the included Dockerfile, run this command from the project root:

docker build -t manticore . # from tree root, build container from Dockerfile