language's fonts: english french danish dutch (english) finnish -- greek -- japanese -- korean spanish norwegian -- russian -- chinese swedish -- thai -- turkish
Build for iOS Title: MultiplicationTable-Client
Build for Android Title: MultiplicationTableClient
myProject/AndroidManifest gps/AndroidManifect
app/build.gradle compileSdkVersion 26 buildToolsVersion "26.0.1" defaultConfig { applicationId "org.cocos2d.helloworld" minSdkVersion 14 ... afterEvaluate { tasks.findByName('externalNativeBuildDebug')?.doLast { println ('Copying debug .so') copySo() }
tasks.findByName('externalNativeBuildRelease')?.doLast {
println ('Copying release .so')
buildTypes { release { lintOptions { disable 'MissingTranslation' } } }
find all minSdkVersion and replace to 14
find and replace to 26 26.0.1 (according to sdk version) android { 4 compileSdkVersion 22 5: buildToolsVersion "22.0.1"