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🛠️ Blacksmith

Blacksmith is a convention-first review app initializer for Laravel Forge.

✅ What Blacksmith does

When you trigger the Blacksmith GitHub action for your pull request a review app will be setup using a combination of your app name, the pull request number, and your wildcard domain (Ex: Blacksmith will setup the following for each sandbox:

  • A new Forge site on your designated server
  • A connection to your repo/branch for quick deployments
  • A database (can be seeded)
  • A Let's Encrypt SSL
  • Robots.txt disabling crawlers
  • On close: Triages the sandbox to be deleted after 24 hours

🧾 Requirements

If you want to utilize Blacksmith you'll need:

  • A Forge server
  • A Forge API token
  • A wildcard domain for your review apps (Ex: *

📦 Install

  1. Deploy the Blacksmith Laravel application to your Forge server
  2. Setup the required .env variables:
# Used to connect to the Forge SDK to provision your sandboxes

# The server the sandboxes should be created on

# The domain to use for your sandboxes (*

# MySQL credentials to use to create database backups when sandboxes are closed
  1. Verify your Blacksmith homepage is being reported as "Online"
  2. Ensure php artisan schedule:run runs every minute
  3. Setup your repo to have a .github/workflows/sandbox.yml file and use the following:
name: Sandbox

    types: [synchronize, labeled, closed, reopened]

  APP_NAME: myapp

    if: contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'sandbox')
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: trendyminds/github-actions-blacksmith@main
          app_name: ${{ env.APP_NAME }}
          pr_number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
          event: ${{ github.event.action }}
          host: ${{ secrets.BLACKSMITH_HOST }}
          key: ${{ secrets.BLACKSMITH_SSH_KEY }}
          path: ${{ secrets.BLACKSMITH_PATH }}
  1. When you label your pull request with "sandbox" Blacksmith will now provision your sandbox environment.

🔧 Options

The GitHub Action comes with a number of options that have sensible defaults:

- uses: trendyminds/github-actions-blacksmith@main
    event: ${{ github.event.action }}
    app_name: ${{ env.APP_NAME }}
    pr_number: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
    php_version: php82
    doc_root: /web
    aliases: |
    disable_ssl: true
    user: myuser
    host: ${{ secrets.BLACKSMITH_HOST }}
    key: ${{ secrets.BLACKSMITH_SSH_KEY }}
    path: ${{ secrets.BLACKSMITH_PATH }}
Option Required Default Description
event true The type of action being ran
app_name true The name of the app to use for the domain, database, etc.
pr_number true The PR number for the review app
php_version false php83 Which version of PHP to use for your app
doc_root false /public The document root of your application
aliases false Other domains that should also point to the site
disable_ssl false false Skips adding an SSL to the sandbox
user false forge The SSH user to use for the connection
host true The host address to use for the connection
key true The SSH key to use for the connection
path true The path to the Blacksmith app on the server