CNN to predict Rocky Mountain Goat sex based on images
Images not included in GitHub due to size of image files.
Files: - Use iCrawler web crawlers to collect images from Bing and Google and store the URLs in a database (images.db) - Manually review each image to ensure they are Rocky Mountain Goats and in the correct class. Also houses function to remove unwanted images - Upload the list of cleaned images from images.db to S3 buckets
example_model.ipynb - CNN tutorial using TensorFlow
custom_model.ipynb - CNN for predicting Rocky Mountain Goat sex
The mobile_app directory contains the Swift files necessary to build the mobile application in Xcode. These files will not compile on their own, but they do provide a good starting point for creating the mobile app on another machine.
Login Screen:
Image Selection Screen:
Result of Image Classification Screen:
Previous Submissions Screen: