sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
Then run with ./bin/nurbs
The scene starts off with one 3 by 4 control polygon on the XZ plane.
Navigation: left click and drag to rotate around the origin.
Toggle between selection modes with tab: toggles between selecting a point, a row, a column, or the whole surface.
Change selected control point with ctrl+right
, ctrl+left
, ctrl+up
, and ctrl+down
Move points in the x and z coordinates with the arrow keys.
Move points in the y coordinates with PgUp
and PgDown
Add a row or column by pressing i
(or shift-i
If a row is selected a row will be added in front (or behind) it.
If a column is selected a column will be added.
Delete a selected row or column in a similar way.
Press d
and the selected row or column will be deleted.
Press k
to enter knot mode for uKnots or shift-k
for vKnots.
Press tab
to cycle between which knot will be moved (the one with the asterisk) and move the knot with left and right arrows.
If a row is selected the vOrder will be changed.
If a column is selected the uOrder will be changed.
Press o
to increase the order or shift-o
to decrease the order.
Press w
to increase the selected point's weight or press shift-w
to decrease its weight.
Originally submitted on June 2, 2016 for project 4 in ECS 178 at UC Davis.