This package only contains type hints for the confluent-kafka
python package. It may be useful to add type checking for mypy
, or autocompletion in your language server.
This package is not endorsed by Confluent.
The package can be installed from PyPI, and needs to be installed in a location that tools like mypy
can access. In my experience, installing it as a user package works well, at least with neovim
and the official mypy
package on Arch Linux
. You can install it as a user package as follows:
pip install --user confluent-kafka-stubs
The package can be updated like any other PyPI package.
pip install --user --upgrade confluent-kafka-stubs
This package should be considered a work in progress.
In the cimpl
module, I believe all constants have been ported along with the following classes or functions:
: classKafkaException
: classMessage
: classNewPartitions
: classNewTopic
: classTopicPartition
: classProducer
: classConsumer
: classlibversion()
: functionversion()
: function
Yet to be implemented in the cimpl
?: class
Note: unlisted modules have not yet been processed.