Docker image for Lighthouse and Chromium to use as CI container.
Image on DockerHub:
Currently this image uses the latest Alpine distribution to get the latest chromium browser..
Run lighthouse
docker run --rm -u $(id -u) -v $(pwd):/app trion/chromium-lighthouse lighthouse --chrome-flags="--headless --no-sandbox"
Run lhci
docker run --rm trion/chromium-lighthouse lhci --collect.url="" --collect.settings.chromeFlags="--headless --no-sandbox" autorun
Run lhci locally with output to filesystem
docker run --rm -u $(id -u) -v $(pwd):/app trion/chromium-lighthouse lhci \
--collect.staticDistDir="/app/dist" --collect.isSinglePageApplication=true \
--collect.settings.chromeFlags="--headless --no-sandbox" \ --upload.outputDir=/app/lighthouse/report autorun
This image is provided as ARM64 (v8) linux image. It runs on 64bit ARM like hardkernel ODROID or Raspberry Pi.
If you had success running it on mac M1, please open a feedback issue