Stability: 1 - Experimental
Telemetry is a helper for creating and emitting structured telemetry events like logs, metrics, or usage.
To run the below example run: $ go run examples/json_to_stdout.go
package main
import (
var emitter = telemetry.NewEmitter()
var writer = telemetry.NewWriter()
func main() {
emitter.AddListener(func(event *telemetry.Event) {
event := telemetry.New().WithProvenance(telemetry.Fields{
"import": "",
"version": "0.0.0",
"type": "log",
"level": "info",
"message": "hello o/",
detailedProvenance := event.WithProvenance(telemetry.Fields{
"file": "json_to_stdout.go",
"type": "metric",
"name": "web requests",
"target_type": "counter",
"unit": "Req",
"value": 1,
"type": "usage",
"tenantId": "tristan1234",
"usage": telemetry.Fields{
"storage": telemetry.Fields{
"request": telemetry.Fields{
"unit": "Req",
"value": 2,
Which should result in something like:
{"level":"info","message":"hello o/","provenance":[{"import":"","version":"0.0.0"}],"timestamp":"2017-02-18T22:02:35.452Z","type":"log"}
{"name":"web requests","provenance":[{"import":"","version":"0.0.0"},{"file":"json_to_stdout.go"}],"target_type":"counter","timestamp":"2017-02-18T22:02:35.452Z","type":"metric","unit":"Req","value":1}
Logger is a helper for emitting log events using Telemetry.
To run the example below run: $ go run examples/logger.go
package main
import (
func main() {
_telemetry := telemetry.New()
emitter := telemetry.NewEmitter()
writer := telemetry.NewWriter()
emitter.AddListener(func(event *telemetry.Event) {
"example": "",
log := logger.NewLogger(_telemetry, emitter)
log.Log(logger.Info, "hello")
log.Logf(logger.Debug, "hello %v", "o/")
log.Debugf("formatted %s", "debugging")
log.Infof("informational with %s", "format")
log.Warnf("warning with %s", "format")
log.Error("error happened")
log.Errorf("error happened with %s", "format")
log.Fatal("fatally oh, noes")
log.Fatalf("fatal, but it is not a logger's job to %s", "stop the process :/")
event := _telemetry.WithFields(telemetry.Fields{
"these": "will be",
"included": "in all events extend this one",
log.Loge(logger.Warn, event, "hello")
log.Logef(logger.Error, event, "formatted with %v", "provided format")
log.Debuge(event, "debugged")
log.Debugef(event, "formatted %s", "debugging")
log.Infoe(event, "informational")
log.Infoef(event, "informational with %s", "format")
log.Warne(event, "warning")
log.Warnef(event, "warning with %s", "format")
log.Errore(event, "error happened")
log.Erroref(event, "error happened with %s", "format")
log.Fatale(event, "fatally oh, noes")
log.Fatalef(event, "fatal, but it is not a logger's job to %s", "stop the process :/")
Metrics is a helper for emitting metric events using Telemetry.
To run the example below run: $ go run examples/metrics.go
package main
import (
func main() {
_telemetry := telemetry.New()
emitter := telemetry.NewEmitter()
writer := telemetry.NewWriter()
emitter.AddListener(func(event *telemetry.Event) {
"example": "",
m := metrics.NewMetrics(_telemetry, emitter)
"name": "my.gauge",
"target_type": "gauge",
"unit": "ms",
"value": 133,
m.Counter("my.counter", _telemetry.WithFields(telemetry.Fields{
"unit": "Req",
"value": 123,
m.Gauge("my.gauge", _telemetry.WithFields(telemetry.Fields{
"unit": "ms",
"value": 133,
m.Histogram("search.results.returned", _telemetry.WithFields(telemetry.Fields{
"value": telemetry.Fields{
"measureUnit": "request",
"sampleSizeUnit": "Req",
"updateCount": 2,
"max": 7122,
"mean": 4174.5,
"median": 7122,
"min": 1227,
"percentile75": 7122,
"percentile95": 7122,
"percentile98": 7122,
"percentile99": 7122,
"percentile999": 7122,
"standardDeviation": 2947.5,
"sampleSize": 2,
m.Meter("requests", _telemetry.WithFields(telemetry.Fields{
"value": telemetry.Fields{
"rateUnit": "Req/s",
"updateCount": 11,
"updateCountUnit": "Req",
"meanRate": 692.3612402089173,
"oneMinuteRate": 0,
"fiveMinuteRate": 0,
"fifteenMinuteRate": 0,
m.Timer("request.latency", _telemetry.WithFields(telemetry.Fields{
"value": telemetry.Fields{
"measureUnit": "ms",
"rateUnit": "Req/s",
"sampleSizeUnit": "Req",
"updateCount": 2,
"meanRate": 125.82722724393419,
"oneMinuteRate": 0,
"fiveMinuteRate": 0,
"fifteenMinuteRate": 0,
"max": 178,
"mean": 89.01773188379212,
"median": 178,
"min": 0.03412902355194092,
"percentile75": 178,
"percentile95": 178,
"percentile98": 178,
"percentile99": 178,
"percentile999": 178,
"standardDeviation": 88.98293548572138,
"sampleSize": 2,
Please refer to generated Go documentation
We follow semantic versioning policy ( with a caveat:
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
caveat: Major version zero is a special case indicating development version that may make incompatible API changes without incrementing MAJOR version.