- easy to learn (we promise)
- general purpose (like a swiss army knife)
- built on typescript (because why not?)
npm install -g @artemis-lang/cli
_____ _ _
| _ |___| |_ ___ _____|_|___
| | _| _| -_| | |_ -|
|__|__|_| |_| |___|_|_|_|_|___|
> artemis <command> [options]
toys in the box:
artemis run <file> make it go
artemis ast <file> peek inside
artemis lex <file> see the building blocks
artemis save-ast <file> <out> keep the insides for later
artemis save-lex <file> <out> save the blocks for later
--version what version are we on?
--help help me, i'm lost
/* psst... secret message */
/* this one's
really long */
(def b "ohai") /* words */
(def c 1) /* counting */
(def d true) /* yes/no */
(def f [1, 2, 3]) /* lists */
(def g {a: 1, b: 2}) /* treasure maps */
(def h #[1, 2, 3]) /* unique lists */
(def bin 0b1010) /* robot talk */
(def hex 0x12F) /* wizard numbers */
(fn add [a b] ((+ a b)))
(fn wrapper [] ((add 1 2)))
(def a (wrapper))
(println a)
(fn addTwo [a]((def sum (+ a 2))(return sum)))
(println (addTwo 1))
(if true ((println "yay!")))
(if true ((println "yay!")) (println "aww..."))
(def a 0)
(while ((< a 10)) ((println a)(def a (+ a 1))))
(for [i 10 20] ((println i)))
(for [i 20 30 2] ((println i)))
(def a [])
(match a {
1 : (println "one!"),
2 : (for [i 0 10] ((println i))),
3 : (for [i 0 10] (( def mul ( * (+ i 4 ) 3 ) ) (println mul) )),
_ : (for [i 0 2] (
(for [j 0 3] (
(push a 69)
(println "inner" j)
(pop a)
(push a 69)
(println "outer" i)
(pop a)
(&& true false)
(|| true false)
(! true)
(== 1 2)
(!= 1 2)
(+ 1 2)
(- 1 2)
(* 1 2)
(/ 1 2)
(% 1 2)
(^ 1 2)
(~ 1)
(<< 1 2)
(>> 1 2)
(>>> 1 2)
(def a [1, 2, 3])
(print "hi!")
(println "bye!")
(push a 1)
(pop a)
(def l (length a))
(log l)
(fn add [l] ((+ l 1)))
(def m (map a add))
(log a)
(def hi "hi")
(def hi (toUpperCase hi))
(log hi)
(println (repeat hi 2))
(def fileContent (readFile "README.md"))
(println fileContent)
(writeFile "bambo.md" "ohai!")
(js $
const a = 12;
const b = 23;
const c = a + b;
const d = "ohai";
(def a (js $ 12 $))
(println a)
(def random (get Math "random"))
(def random (get global "Math.random"))
(fn rand [n] ((* n (random))))
(def a (rand 100))
(println a)
(def now (get global "Date.now"))
(println (now))
(def env (get global "process.env"))
(println (get env "HOME"))
(def a {a: 1})
(set a "b" 2)
(println (get a "b"))
check out the playgrounds
MIT (but you can still have fun with it)