#Requirements Get your consumer key and secret after registering as a developer here: https://oauth.withings.com/en/partner/add
Install rauth:
$ easy_install rauth
$ pip install rauth
#Sample usage
consumer_key = 'your_consumer_key'
consumer_secret = 'your_consumer_secret_here'
wobj = Withings('youremail@mail.com',consumer_key,consumer_secret)
measurements = wobj.get_meas()
(dates,weights) = wobj.get_weights(measurements,units="lbs")
That's it- at this point weights will contain an array of weight measurements and dates will be the dates on which those measurements were taken.
#API methods
###get_meas(self,devtype=0,startdate=None,enddate=None): This method retrieves the raw json provided by withings getmeas API method which by default contains all measurement types unless the devtype parameter is specified: 0 = scale, blood pressure cuff, and height 1 = scale measurements only (weight and bodyfat related) 4 = blood pressure cuff only 5 = both scale and blood pressure cuff
If specified, the startdate and enddate parameters must follow the format: '%Y-%m-%d' '2012-12-25' for example
##Convenience methods For all methods below the output of a call to get_meas should be used as the data argument
###get_weights(self,data,units="kg"): Returns an array of dates and an array of weight measurements as (dates,weights), units may be "lbs" or "kgs"
###get_height(self,data,units="cm"): Returns a date and a height, this should correspond to the height the user specified in their profile.
###get_fat_free_mass(self,data,units="kg"): Returns an array of dates and an array of weight measurements as (dates,weights)
###get_fat_ratio(self,data): Returns an array of dates and an array of percent values as (dates,ratios)
###get_fat_mass_weight(self,data,units="kg"): Returns an array of dates and an array of weight measurements as (dates,weights)
###get_diastolic_blood_pressure(self,data): Returns an array of dates and an array of diastolic blood pressure measurements in mmHg as (dates,pressures)
###get_systolic_blood_pressure(self,data): Returns an array of dates and an array of systolic blood pressure measurements in mmHg as (dates,pressures)
###get_heart_pulse(self,data): Returns an array of dates and an array of heart rate measurements in beats per minute as (dates,heart rates)