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Material Design Data Table

This module is an effort to implement Material Design data tables in Angular Material. I hope that this module will serve as a temporary solution to those who need this functionality and also serve as a playground, or lessons learned, when developing an official solution.

Specification for Material Design data tables can be found here.


Here is a fork-able Codepen of the demo application. Please use this to reproduce any issues you may be experiencing.


This software is provided free of change and without restriction under the MIT License


This package is installable through the Bower package manager.

bower install angular-material-data-table --save

In your index.html file, include the data table module and style sheet.

<!-- style sheet -->
<link href="bower_components/angular-material-data-table/dist/md-data-table.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
<!-- module -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/angular-material-data-table/dist/md-data-table.min.js"></script>

Include the module as a dependency in your application.

angular.module('myApp', ['', 'ngMaterial']);

Tested in IE 10 and on IOS 7.



angular.module('nutritionApp').controller('nutritionController', ['$nutrition', '$scope', function ($nutrition, $scope) {
  'use strict';
  $scope.selected = [];
  $scope.query = {
    filter: '',
    order: 'name',
    limit: 5,
    page: 1
  function success(desserts) {
    $scope.desserts = desserts;
  // in the future we may see a few built in alternate headers but in the mean time
  // you can implement your own search header and do something like
  $ = function (predicate) {
    $scope.filter = predicate;
    $scope.deferred = $nutrition.desserts.get($scope.query, success).$promise;
  $scope.onOrderChange = function (order) {
    return $nutrition.desserts.get($scope.query, success).$promise; 
  $scope.onPaginationChange = function (page, limit) {
    return $nutrition.desserts.get($scope.query, success).$promise; 



  <h2 class="md-title">Nutrition</h2>

  <table md-data-table md-row-select="selected" md-progress="deferred">
    <thead md-order="query.order" md-trigger="onOrderChange">
        <th name="Dessert" unit="100g serving" order-by="name"></th>
        <th numeric name="Calories" order-by="calories.value"></th>
        <th numeric name="Fat" unit="g" order-by="fat.value"></th>
        <th numeric name="Carbs" unit="g" order-by="carbs.value"></th>
        <th numeric name="Protein" unit="g" order-by="protein.value"></th>
        <th numeric name="Sodium" unit="mg" order-by="sodium.value"></th>
        <th numeric name="Calcium" unit="%" order-by="calcium.value"></th>
        <th numeric name="Iron" unit="%" order-by="iron.value"></th>
      <tr md-auto-select ng-repeat="dessert in">
        <td>{{dessert.fat.value | number: 1}}</td>
        <td>{{dessert.protein.value | number: 1}}</td>
        <td show-unit>{{dessert.calcium.value}}</td>
        <td show-unit>{{dessert.iron.value}}</td>

<md-data-table-pagination md-limit="query.limit" md-page="" md-total="{{}}" md-trigger="onPaginationChange"></md-data-table-pagination>

Change Log

Version 0.8.0

Syntax Changes

  • The name of a column is now placed in a name attribute. This decision was made do to the difficulty of transforming the template with interpolate strings and ng-repeat.
  • The unit and show-unit attributes can be used regardless of weather or not the column in numeric (if you want).
  • md-trim-column-names has been renamed to just trim and is now enabled individually for each column.
  • The md-auto-select and md-disable-select attributes have been moved to the tr element within the tbody element.


  • You may now (properly) use ng-repeat and ng-attr-* on column headers.
  • This version fixes issue #41.
  • This version fixes issue #57.
  • Trimming long column names is achieved cleanly with CSS and no longer uses table-layout: fixed or Javascript.


I have discovered an issue in Chrome's (and Opera's) web browser. This issue has existed for sometime and either no one has noticed it or no one has really cared. It appears Chrome has issues with properly rendering the table when the container is small enough to allow the table to scroll horizontally and the viewport is short enough that it can be scrolled vertically. This results in an undesirable laggy/rubber-band-ish effect when scrolling vertically for cells that meet one of the following criteria:

  • The cell is positioned relative.
  • The cell contains an md-checkbox element.
  • The cell contains an md-icon element.

I have tested Safari, FireFox, Mobile Safari, and even IE 10 and was not able to reproduce this issue. I will open an issue for this momentarily. Please leave a comment if you have any ideas on how to fix this. If you know anyone who works for Google, make them fix it 😝.


It appears the latest version of Chrome (v44.0.2403.130) for OS X has resolved this issue, yay!

I spoke too soon. On my work machine, an older non-retina display Macbook Pro, this is not experienced; however, on my personal machine, a retina display Macbook Pro, this is still experienced. It is clear that not all OS X Chrome users are effected by this bug. This bug seems to be related to hardware in some way? My personal machine has an Intel Iris Pro GPU with 1536 MB of VRAM. Hardware is not really my thing. Maybe someone else with a retina display Macbook Pro can reproduce this issue?

Version 0.7.6

  • Important: Pagination is now its own toolbar and should not be wrapped in a md-data-table-toolbar element.
  • The pagination toolbar will now collapse into two separate toolbars on screens less than or equal to 600px wide.

Version 0.7.5

  • First and last page navigation links courtesy of @vcastello.

Version 0.7.4

  • The precision attribute has been removed from numeric columns, use Angular's number filter instead.

Version 0.7.3

  • I've added an md-progress attribute to the table element to trigger the progress indicator from outside the table scope.

  • I'm also using ng-value instead of value in the pagination directive now, which should hopefully fix the issue some people are having with their trigger function being called on page load.

Version 0.7.2

  • I've rewrapped the trigger functions in timeouts because I realize it's unexpected and inconvenient for the scope to be stale.

Version 0.7.1

  • I've removed the $timeout when calling your md-trigger function meaning the function will be call before two-way data binding has had a chance to update your model scope.

  • The reason your md-trigger function is being called when the page loads is because of a bug in the mdSelect module. I've created a pull request to fix this issue but as an immediate fix you can use a String instead of a Number for your md-limit value. For more information see the issue I opened awhile back #3233.

View the archives for a complete version history.

API Documentation

Column Ordering

Attribute Target Type Description
md-order <thead> String Two-way data binding order property.
md-trigger <thead> function Will execute when the order is changed, passing the order as a parameter.
order-by <th> String The value to sort on when the user clicks the column name.
descend-first <th> NULL Tell the directive to first sort descending.

The mdOrder attribute will be update when the user clicks a <th> cell to the value defined by the order-by attribute. The mdOrder attribute can be used in to do server-side sorting or client-side sorting.

If the function assigned to the md-triger attribute returns a promise, a loading indicator will be displayed.

This directive does not support sorting of in-place data, i.e. data included directly in the markup, nor do I plan on supporting this.

Server Side Ordering

The provided usage example takes advantage of server-side sorting by submitting a query to the server.

Client Side Ordering

Just add an orderBy: property to the ng-repeat attribute that matches the md-order attribute.

  <table md-data-table>
    <thead md-order="order">
      <!-- this cell will order by the name property -->
      <th order-by="name">Dessert (100g serving)</th>
      <!-- this cell will not change the order when clicked -->
      <th numeric>Calories</th>
      <tr ng-repeat="dessert in desserts | orderBy: order"></tr>

Long Column Headers

Attribute Target Type Description
trim <th> NULL trim long column names.

When trim is place on a column header, the width of the column will be determined by the column body. If the width of the column header exceeds the width of the column body, it will be truncated with ellipsis.

I believe it is wise to restrict the minimum width of a column. By default column headers will enforce a minimum width of 60px. This is a just a CSS property; however, you may overwrite it in your style sheet.

table[md-data-table] > thead > tr > th > div.trim {
  min-width: 100px;

Numeric Columns

Numeric columns align to the right of table cells. Column headers support the following attributes for numeric data.

Header Cells
Attribute Target Type Description
numeric <th> NULL Informs the directive the column is numeric in nature.
unit <th> String Specifies the unit. Providing a unit will automatically add the unit, wrapped in parenthesis, to the header cell.
Body Cells
Attribute Target Type Description
show-unit <td> NULL Displays the unit in the body cell; unit must be specified on the header cell.

You may use Angular's number filter on a body cell to set the decimal precision.

<!-- 2 decimal places -->
<td>{{dessert.protein.value | number: 2}}</td>


To use pagination add a md-data-table-pagination element to the md-data-table-toolbar.

Attribute Type Description
md-label Object Change the pagination label. The default is 'Rows per page:'.
md-limit Number A row limit.
md-page Number Page number.
md-total Number Total number of items.
md-row-select Array Row limit options. The default is [5, 10, 15]
md-trigger function Will execute when the page or limit is changed, passing the page and limit as parameters.

The md-label attribute has the following properties.

Property Type Description
text String The pagination label.
of String The 'of' in 'x - y of z'.

If the function assigned to the md-triger attribute returns a promise, a loading indicator will be displayed.

Example: Client Side pagination using ngRepeat.

<tr ng-repeat="item in array | orderBy: myOrder | limitTo: myLimit: (page - 1) * myLimit">

Row Selection

Requires ng-repeat.

Attribute Target Type Description
md-row-select <table> Array Two-way data binding of selected items
md-auto-select <tr> NULL allow row selection by clicking anywhere inside the row.
md-disable-select <tr> `expression function`

Example: Disable all desserts with more than 400 calories.

<tr md-disable-select="dessert.calories.value > 4000"></tr>
<!-- or assuming isDisabled is defined in you controller -->
<tr md-disable-select="isDisabled(dessert)"></tr>

Table Progress

Attribute Target Type Description
md-progress <table> promise The table will display a loading indicator until notified.

A progress indicator can be displayed in a couple different ways. If the function you supply to the md-trigger attributes returns a promise, then a loading indicator will be automatically displayed whenever any events within the scope of the table are dispatched (i.e. reordering, pagination).

It's not unlikely that some events outside the scope of the table will effect its contents. For example, a search field that filters the table by sending a query to the server. To provide flexibility for such events, the table directive has a md-progress attribute that accepts a promise and will display a progress indicator until notified.

Table Toolbars

Tables may be embedded within cards that offer navigation and data manipulation tools available at the top and bottom.

In general, use an md-data-table-toolbar for table toolbars, however; if you need to display information relative to a particular column in the table you may use use a <tfoot> element. For example, say you had a property that summed the total number of calories and you wanted to display that information directly beneath the Calories column.

    </td><strong>Total:</strong> {{}}</td>

Observe that Calories is the second column in the table. Therefore, we need to offset the first column with an empty cell. If you need to offset many columns you can use <td colspan="${n}"></td> where n is the number of columns to offset.

Note that the directive is smart enough to insert an empty cell for the row selection column and that empty cells are not required after the last cell.



  • node
  • grunt-cli

This repository contains a demo application for developing features. As you make changes the application will live reload itself.


I noticed the nutrition app was an inconvenience for people trying to run the app locally and contribute. I have updated the demo application to remove the dependency for the nutrition app. This is also a good example of how you can take advantage of ngRepeat to easily achieve client side sorting and pagination.

Running the App Locally

Clone this repository to your local machine.

git clone
cd md-data-table

Create a new branch for the issue you are working on.

git checkout -b my-issue

Install the package dependencies.

npm install
bower install

Run the application and visit in the browser.


Make your modifications and update the build.

grunt build

Create a pull request!


Material Design Data Table for Angular Material







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  • JavaScript 63.9%
  • CSS 28.7%
  • HTML 7.4%