The kadviz is a command line utility is used to enumerate an Active Directory (AD) groups and present the group, its users and child or parent groups (forward and reverse lookup) of the original group in an easy to use format to facilitate AD re-organisation.
Currently, two output modes are supported: as comma separated value file (CSV) and as a directed graph using GraphViz graphing engine.
kadviz uses GraphViz to draw graphs. The GraphViz is a free, open source graphing package which can be downloaded from the official site
You will need to install it to be able to draw graphs.
usage: kadviz [-h] [--debug] [-o FILE] [--no-recursive]
[-f {csv,pretty-print,graph-dot}] [-s SOURCE]
[-d {reverse,forward} | -A] [--fetch-users | --no-fetch-users]
[--no-dn] [--graphviz-dot DOTFILE] [--graph-users]
[--credentials CREDENTIALS | --credfile CREDFILE]
Retrieve and expand AD groups. If no credentials are supplied current
credentials of logged on user will be used
positional arguments:
OBJECT Object (group or user) to expand. You can specify both
DN and NT names
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--debug Enable debugging output
-o FILE, --output FILE
Output file, defaults to stdout
--no-recursive Do not expand child groups
-f {csv,pretty-print,graph-dot}, --format {csv,pretty-print,graph-dot}
Output format
-s SOURCE, --data-source SOURCE
Specify data source. Defaults to global catalogue GC:
-d {reverse,forward}, --direction {reverse,forward}
Lookup direction. Forward looks up the members of the
group (only for groups), reverse - groups that the
specified object is a member of. The default for
groups is forward, while for users - reverse
-A, --dump-all Dump every group
User expansion:
Options related to user expansion. By default, if input object is group,
then users will be graphed, if user, then not
--fetch-users Always force users
--no-fetch-users Never fetch users
Arguments relating to CSV output
--no-dn Do not print DNs in CSV
Options related to graph generation
--graphviz-dot DOTFILE
Path to GraphViz dot.exe, best guess: NOT FOUND
--graph-users Expand graph users, don't summarise
credential management
--credentials CREDENTIALS
Credentials separated by column like bp1\user:password
--credfile CREDFILE Credential file which contains one line with rot13 +
base64 encoded credentials like bp1\user:password
Supported output formats are: * csv - dump to a CSV file * pretty-print - dump
data structures in indented fashion (for debugging) * graph-dot - output a
.dot file which is agraph defintion as understood by GraphViz. By Konrads
Klints <>.