This Gem helps you send notifications through Courier, the smartest way to design & deliver notifications. Design your notifications once using our drag & drop editor, then deliver to any channel through one API. Email, mobile push, SMS, Slack — you name it!
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'trycourier'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install trycourier
After installing, make sure to include this line at the top of your ruby file:
require "trycourier"
To create a Courier Ruby client, all you need to do is pass in your authentication information. Then, you can start sending!
client = "your-auth-token" # or set via COURIER_AUTH_TOKEN env var
client = "your-auth-token" # or set via COURIER_AUTH_TOKEN env var
res = client.send(message: {
"to" => {
"email" => ""
"content" => {
"title" => "hello {{name}}",
"body" => "Welcome to Courier!"
"data" => {
"name" => "Ruby"
puts res.request_id # if the code is 202, this will be the Courier request ID for this message
client = "your-auth-token" # or set via COURIER_AUTH_TOKEN env var
res = client.send(message: {
"event" => "your-event-id",
"recipient" => "your-recipient-id",
"profile" => { #optional (include any key-value pairs required by your chosen integrations. This information can also be stored in the recipient's profile in Courier)
"email": "",
"phone_number": "555-867-5309"
"data" => { #any data you want to pass to a message template
"world" => "Ruby!"
puts res.message_id # if the code is 200, this will be the Courier message ID for this notification
client = "your-auth-token" # or set via COURIER_AUTH_TOKEN env var
res = client.send(message: {
"to" => {
"email" => ""
"content" => {
"title" => "hello {{name}}",
"body" => "Welcome to Courier!"
"data" => {
"name" => "Ruby"
"metadata" => {
"utm" => {
"source" => "Ruby"
"tags" => ["tag-1", "tag-2"],
"trace_id" => "feed-me-hungry"
puts res.request_id # if the code is 202, this will be the Courier request ID for this message
client = "your-auth-token" # or set via COURIER_AUTH_TOKEN env var
res = client.send(message: {
"to" => {
"email" => ""
"content" => {
"version" => "2020-01-01",
"elements" => [
"type" => "text",
"content" => "Thanks for signing up, {{name}}"
"type" => "action",
"content" => "Click Me!",
"href" => ""
"routing" => {
"method" => "all",
"channels" => [
"data" => {
"name" => "Ruby"
"metadata" => {
"utm" => {
"source" => "Ruby"
"channels" => {
"email" => {
"routing_method" => "all",
"providers" => [
"metadata" => {
"utm" => {
"medium" => "email"
"providers" => {
"sendgrid" => {
"metadata" => {
"utm" => {
"source" => "sendgrid"
puts res.request_id # if the code is 202, this will be the Courier request ID for this message
require "trycourier"
client = "your-auth-token" # or set via COURIER_AUTH_TOKEN env var
Creating a List
res = client.lists.update(list_id: list_id, request: { name: name})
puts res
Example: get all lists
resp = client.lists.list(
cursor: "MTU4OTQ5NTI1ODY4NywxLTVlYmRjNWRhLTEwODZlYWFjMWRmMjEwMTNjM2I0ZjVhMA", # optional
puts resp
Example: get a specific list
resp = client.lists.get(list_id: "your-list-id")
puts resp
Example: delete a list
client.lists.delete(list_id: "your-list-id")
Example: restore a list
client.lists.restore(list_id: "your-list-id")
Example: get a list's subscriptions
resp = client.lists.get_subscribers(
list_id: "your-list-id",
cursor: "MTU4OTQ5NTI1ODY4NywxLTVlYmRjNWRhLTEwODZlYWFjMWRmMjEwMTNjM2I0ZjVhMA", # optional
puts resp
Example: replace many recipients to a new or existing list
list_id: "your-list-id",
request: [{
recipient_id: "RECIPIENT_ID_1"
recipient_id: "RECIPIENT_ID_2"
Example: Example: subscribe single recipient to a new or existing list
client.lists.subscribe(list_id: "your-list-id", user_id: "your-user-id")
Example: unsubscribe recipient from list
client.lists.unsubscribe(list_id: "your-list-id", user_id: "your-user-id")
Example: merge or create a recipient's profile
resp = client.profiles.create(
user_id: "your-user-id",
profile: {
"email" => "",
"name" => "Example Name"
Example: replace or create a recipient's profile
resp = client.profiles.replace(
user_id: "your-user-id",
profile: {
"email" => ""
puts resp['status']
Example: get the subscribed lists of a recipient
resp = client.profiles.get_list_subscriptions(
user_id: "your-user-id",
puts resp
Example: edit the contents of a recipient's profile with a patch operation
(follows JSON Patch conventions: RFC 6902).
resp = client.profiles.replace(
user_id: "your-user-id",
profile: [
"op" => "add", #operation 1: add this email to profile
"path" => "/parent",
"value" => ""
"op" => "replace", #operation 2: update with new email
"path" => "/parent",
"value" => ""
"op" => "copy", #operation 3: copy that email to /emergency_contact
"from" => "/parent",
"path" => "/emergency_contact"
puts resp
Example: get a recipient's profile
resp = client.profiles.get(user_id: "your-user-id")
puts resp
Example: fetch the statuses of messages you've previously sent.
resp = client.messages.list(
cursor: "MTU4OTQ5NTI1ODY4NywxLTVlYmRjNWRhLTEwODZlYWFjMWRmMjEwMTNjM2I0ZjVhMA", # optional
event: "your-event-id", # optional
list: "your-list-id", #optional
message_id: "your-message-id" #optional
notification: "message-statua" #optional
recipient: "recipient-id" # optional
puts resp
Example: fetch the status of a message you've previously sent
resp = client.messages.get(message_id: "your-message-id")
puts resp
Example: fetch the array of events of a message you've previously sent.
resp = client.messages.get_history(
message_id: "your-message-id",
type: "list-type" #optional ("FILTERED", "RENDERED", "MAPPED", "PROFILE_LOADED")
puts resp
Example: invoke ad-hoc automation
steps = [
"action" => "send"
automation = {
"steps" => steps
resp = client.automations.invoke_ad_hoc_automation(
request: {
automation: automation,
brand: "your-brand-id", # optional
data: {}, # optional
profile: {
"email" => "",
}, # optional
recipient: "your-recipient-id", # optional
template: "your-notification-template-id" # optional
puts resp.run_id
Example: invoke automation template
resp = client.automations.invoke_automation_template(
template_id: "your-automation-template-id",
request: {
brand: "your-brand-id", # optional
data: {}, # optional
profile: {
"email" => "",
}, # optional
recipient: "your-recipient-id", # optional
template: "your-notification-template-id" # optional
puts resp.run_id
List of supported operators for audience filtering:
Example: create or update an Audience
resp = client.audiences.update(
audience_id: "your-audience-id",
filter: {
"operator": "EQ",
"value": "en-US",
"path": "locale"
Example: Get all members of an Audience
resp = client.audiences.list_members(
audience_id: "your-audience-id"
Example: Send to an Audience
client = "your-auth-token" # or set via COURIER_AUTH_TOKEN env var
res = client.send(message: {
"to" => {
"audience_id" => "your-audience-id"
"content" => {
"title" => "hello {{name}}",
"body" => "Welcome to Courier!"
"data" => {
"name" => "Ruby"
puts res.request_id # if the code is 202, this will be the Courier request ID for this message
Example: List audit events
resp = client.audit_events.list
Example: Get a specific audit event
resp = client.audit_events.get(audit_event_id: "audit-event-id")
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.