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Extensive library for MIDI constants, un-/packers, parser, cli and unified human-readable formatters/parser for MIDI Messages (embedded friendly)


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Extensive library for MIDI constants, un-/packers, parser, cli and unified human-readable formatters/parser for MIDI Messages.

Intended for usage with frameworks (such as that do not provide these basics.

No particular structures are enforced such that you can take from it what you want.


  • (many) MIDI Message constants + enumerations (see include/midimessage.h)
  • structs and types help to create a unified interface and make handling easier
  • Manufacturer Id list (see include/midimessage/manufacturerids.h)
  • tool to generate up-to-date header, run make manufacturerids (requires wget + php)
  • Standard/Common CC list (see include/midimessage/commonccs.h)
  • DLS Proprietary Chunk ids (see include/midimessage/dlsproprietarychunkids.h)
  • Basic note helpers (see include/midimessage/notes.h)
  • packers construct the right byte sequence for a particular message ASSERTing valid parameters (see include/midimessage/packers.h)
  • unpackers for a specific message type try to parse the given byte sequence thereby validating the byte sequence (could be used in any combination) (see include/midimessage/packers.h)
  • packers and unpackers are always complementary and are available as literal-based and struct-based variants
  • generic MIDI stream parser respecting Running Status and interleaved system real time messages (see include/midimessage/parser.h)
  • stringifier struct to turn (binary) MIDI messages into a uniform human-readable format and vice versa (see include/midimessage/stringifier.h; see src/cli.cpp for application)
  • Command line utility to turn human-readable commands into corresponding byte sequence and vice versa (see src/cli.cpp and below)

tt = to test

Feature Set Feature / Message Message Family Status*
Channel Voice Message Note On / Off tt
Polyphonic Key Pressure (Aftertouch) tt
Control Change tt
Program Change tt
Channel Pressure (Aftertouch) tt
Pitch Bend Change tt
Channel Mode Messages Specific Control Change (All Sound Off, Reset All Controllers, etc) Control Change tt
System Common Messages Song position pointer tt
Song select tt
Tune request tt
Quarter Frames -> MIDI Time Code
System Real Time Messages Timing clock tt
Start tt
Continue tt
Stop tt
Active Sensing tt
Reset tt
MIDI Time Code (MTC) Quarter Frames System Common tt
Full Message + User Bits SysEx Real Time tt
Real Time MTC Cueing SysEx Real Time tt
Non Real Time MTC Cueing SysEx Non-Real Time tt
General SysEx NonRT Handshaking wait, cancel, ack, nak, end of file SysEx Non-Real Time tt
MIDI Machine Control (MMC) work in progress
MIDI Show Control (MSC) All SysEx Real Time tt
MIDI Visual Control (MVC) Set Parameter Message (all) SysEx Non-Real Time tt
MIDI Tuning Standard TODO
Experimental messages SysEx Experimental tt
Manufacturer messages (+ manufacturer ids) SysEx Manufacturer tt
General MIDI (GM) System on/off SysEx Non-Real Time tt
General Information Identify request/reply SysEx Non-Real Time tt
Device Control Master volume, balance, coarse/fine tuning, global parameters SysEx Real Time tt
Controller Destination Settings Channel/Key pressure, control change SysEx Real Time tt
Key-based Instrument Control SysEx Real Time tt
Sample Dump (Extended) Header, Request, DataPacket, (Extended) Loop Point Request & Transmission, Name Request & Transmission SysEx Non-Real Time tt
File Dump Request, Header, DataPacket Non-Real Time tt
Downloadable Sounds Non-Real Time TODO
Notation Information Bar Number, Time Signature (delayed, immediate) Real Time tt
Capability Inquiry (MIDI-CI) SysEx Non-Real Time TODO
Scalable Polyphony MIDI MIP (SP-MIDI MIP) SysEx Real Time TODO
Mobile Phone Control on, off, reset, set level, set color, follow MIDI channels, manufacturer specific SysEx Real Time tt


  • midimessage-cli requires getopt and c-utils
  • target manufacturerids requires wget and php(-cli)


git clone --recursive
cd midimessage

cmake .

make examples
make docs
make manufacturerids

To include as library in a cmake-based project (something like) the following in your CMakeLists.txt:

# path to root of midimessage

# midimessage include dir
# in your source files: #include <midimessage.h> or <midimessage/...>

# add the subproject

# don't forget to add the include directory 
target_include_directories(myTarget ${MIDIMESSAGE_INCLUDES})

# link library with your own target
target_link_libraries(myTarget midimsg)

Code Example

void receivedMidiMessageFromSomewhere( uint8_t * buf, int len ){

    MidiMessage::Message_t msg, msg2;
    uint8_t msgBuf[128], msgBuf2[128];

    msg.Data.SysEx.ByteData = msgBuf;
    msg2.Data.SysEx.ByteData = msgBuf2;

    uint8_t buf2[256];
    int len2;

    static uint8_t pitch = 0;

    if (!MidiMessage::unpack( buf, len, &msg )) {
        std::cout << "Discarding invalid message" << std::endl;

    if (!MidiMessage::isChannelVoiceMessage(&msg)){

        std::cout << "Discarding non-ChannelVoice message" << std::endl;


    // Struct based approach to create messages
    // (the final message packaging is unified)
    msg2.StatusClass = MidiMessage::StatusClassNoteOn;
    msg2.Channel = msg.Channel;
    msg2.Data.Note.Key = 40 + pitch;
    msg2.Data.Note.Velocity = 100;

    pitch = (pitch + 1) % 13;

    len2 = MidiMessage::pack( buf2, &msg2 );
    if (len2 > 0){
        sendMidiMessageToSomewhere( buf2, len2 );

    // direct approach
    len2 = MidiMessage::packNoteOff( buf2, msg2.Channel, msg2.Data.Note.Key, 50 );
    if (len2 > 0){
        sendMidiMessageToSomewhere( buf2, len2 );

Command Line Utility

	 midimessage-cli [-h?]
	 midimessage-cli [--running-status|-r] [--timed|-t[milli|micro]] (--parse|-p) [-d] [--nprn-filter]
	 midimessage-cli [--running-status|-r] [--timed|-t[milli|micro]] (--generate|-g) [-x0|-x1] [-v[N]] [--prefix=<prefix>] [--suffix=<suffix] [<cmd> ...]
	 midimessage-cli --convert=(nibblize|denibblize|sevenbitize|desevenbitize) [--hex] [<data xN>]

	 -h|-? 				 show this help
	 --running-status|-r 		 Accept (when parsing) or generate messages that rely on the running status (see MIDI specs)
	 --timed|-t[milli|micro] 	 Enables the capture or playback of delta-time information (ie the time between messages). Optionally the time resolution (milliseconds or microseconds) can be specified (default = micro)
	 --parse|-p [<binary-data>] 	 Enter parse mode and optionally pass as first argument (binary) message to be parsed. If no argument is provided starts reading binary stream from STDIN. Each successfully parsed message will be printed to STDOUT and terminated with a newline.
	 -d 				 In parsing mode only, instead of silent discarding output any discarded data to STDERR.
	 --nrpn-filter 				 In parsing mode only, assume CC-sequences 99-98-96 (increment), 99-98-97 (decrement), 99-98-6-38 (data entry) are NRPN sequences, thus these will be filtered even if impartial (!! ie, 99-98-6-2 will only output the message for 2; this is a convenience feature and can not be solved for the general case)
	 --generate|-g [<cmd> ...] 	 Enter generation mode and optionally pass command to be generated. If no command is given, expects one command from STDIN per line. Generated (binary) messages are written to STDOUT.
	 --prefix=<prefix> 		 Prefixes given string (max 32 bytes) before each binary sequence (only when in generation mode). A single %d can be given which will be replaced with the length of the following binary message (incompatible with running-status mode).
	 --suffix=<suffix> 		 Suffixes given string (max 32 bytes) before each binary sequence (only when in generation mode).
	 -x0, -x1 			 In generation mode, exit on input error (-x1) or continue processing (-x0). Default := continue (-x0).
	 -v0, -v1 			 In generation mode, print command parsing result (on error only) to STDERR. Default := do NOT print (-v0).
	 --convert=.. 			 Enter convertion mode, ie transform incoming STDIN using convertion method and write to STDOUT (raw bytes).
	 --hex 				 In convertion mode (only), hex input/output

Fancy pants note: the parsing output format is identical to the generation command format ;)

Data types:
	 uN := N bit unsigned integer)
		 u4 (data nibble) < 15 (0x0F)
		 u7 <= 127 (0x7F)
		 u14 <= 16383 (0x3FFF)
		 u21 <= 2097151 (0x1FFFFF)
		 u28 <= 268435455 (0x0FFFFFFF)
		 u35 <= 34359738367 (0x7FFFFFFFF)
	 sN := N bit signed integer
	 strN ((max) N byte ascii string)
	 xN (N byte hex string <> 2Ns) (note: data bytes must be <= 0x7F)

Voice Commands:
	 note (on|off) <channel (u4)> <key (u7)> <velocity (u7)>
	 cc <channel (u4)> <controller (u7)> <value (u7)>
	 pc <channel (u4)> <program (u7)>
	 pressure <channel (u4)> <pressure (u7)>
	 pitch <channel (u4)> <pitch (u14)>
	 poly <channel (u4)> <key (u7)> <pressure (u7)>

System Commands:
	 quarter-frame <messageType (u3)> <nibble (u4)>
	 song-position <position (u14)>
	 song-select <songNumber (u7)>

(Basic) System Exclusives:
	 sysex experimental <data (xN)>
	 sysex manufacturer <manufacturer-id (x1..3)> <data (xN)>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id* (u7)> (eof|wait|cancel|nak|ack) <packet-number (u7)>
* <device-id> := 127 is all devices (broadcast)

General Information
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> info request
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> info reply <manufacturer-id (x1, x3)> <device-family (u14)> <device-family-member (u14)> <software-revision (x4)>

General MIDI (extension)
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> gm (system-on1|system-off|system-on2)

Controller Destination Setting
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> cds <channel (u4)> (channel-pressure|key-pressure)  <parameter1 (u7)> <range1 (u7)> [<parameter2 (u7)> <range2 (u7)> .. <parameterN (u7)> <rangeN (u7)>]
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> cds <channel (u4)> cc <controller (u7)> <parameter1 (u7)> <range1 (u7)> [<parameter2 (u7)> <range2 (u7)> .. <parameterN (u7)> <rangeN (u7)>]

Keybased Instrument Control
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> keys <channel (u7)> <key (u7)> <controller1 (u7)> <value1 (u7)> [<controller2 (u7)> <value2 (u7)> .. <controllerN (u7)> <valueN (u7)>]

Device Control
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> dc** (master-volume|master-balance|coarse-tuning|fine-tuning) <value (u14)>
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> dc global-parameter <slot-count (u7)> <parameter-id-width (u7)> <parameter-value-width (u7)> [<slot-path1 (u14)> [.. <slot-pathN (u14)>]] [<parameter-id1 (xN)> <parameter-value1 (xN)> [..  <parameter-idN (xN)> <parameter-valueN (xN)>]]

MIDI Time Code + Cueing
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> mtc full-message <fps = 24,25,29.97,30> <hour <= 23> <minute <= 59> <second <= 59> <frame < fps>
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> mtc user-bits <5bytes (x5)>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> cueing special (time-code-offset|enable-event-list|disable-event-list|clear-event-list|system-stop|event-list-request|<(u14)>)
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> cueing (punch-in|punch-out) (add|rm) <fps = 24,25,29.97,30> <hour <= 23> <minute <= 59> <second <= 59> <frame < fps> <fractional-frame <= 99> <event-number (u14)>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> cueing (event-start|event-stop|cue-point) (add|rm) <fps = 24,25,29.97,30> <hour <= 23> <minute <= 59> <second <= 59> <frame < fps> <fractional-frame <= 99> <event-number (u14)> [<event-name (str) ..>]
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> cueing event-name - <fps = 24,25,29.97,30> <hour <= 23> <minute <= 59> <second <= 59> <frame < fps> <fractional-frame <= 99> <event-number (u14)> <event-name (str) ..>
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> cueing special (system-stop|<(u14)>)
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> cueing (punch-in|punch-out) <event-number (u14)>
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> cueing (event-start|event-stop|cue-point) <event-number (u14)> [<event-name (str) ..>]
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> cueing event-name <event-number (u14)> <event-name (str) ..>

MIDI Show Control (MSC)
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> msc <cmdFmt*> (all-off|restore|reset)
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> msc <cmdFmt*> (go|stop|resume|load|go-off|go-jam-lock) <cue-number**> [<cue-list**> [<cue-path**>]]
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> msc <cmdFmt*> timed-go <fps = 24,25,29.97,30> <hour <= 23> <minute <= 59> <second <= 59> <frame < fps> < (x1)> <cue-number**> [<cue-list**> [<cue-path**>]]
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> msc <cmdFmt*> set <controller (u14)> <value (u14)> <fps = 24,25,29.97,30> <hour <= 23> <minute <= 59> <second <= 59> <frame < fps> < (x1)>
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> msc <cmdFmt*> fire <macro-number (u7)>
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> msc <cmdFmt*> (standby+|standby-|sequence+|sequence-|start-clock|stop-clock|zero-clock|mtc-chase-on|mtc-chase-off|open-cue-list|close-cue-list) <cue-list**>
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> msc <cmdFmt*> (open-cue-path|close-cue-path) <cue-path**>
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> msc <cmdFmt*> set-clock <fps = 24,25,29.97,30> <hour <= 23> <minute <= 59> <second <= 59> <frame < fps> < (x1)> <cue-list**>
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> msc <cmdFmt*> (standby|go-2-pc) <checksum (u14)> <sequence-number (u14)> <data (x4)> <cue-number**> [<cue-list**> [<cue-path**>]]
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> msc <cmdFmt*> standing-by <checksum (u14)> <sequence-number (u14)> <fps = 24,25,29.97,30> <hour <= 23> <minute <= 59> <second <= 59> <frame < fps> < (x1)> <cue-number**> [<cue-list**> [<cue-path**>]]
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> msc <cmdFmt*> (cancelled|abort) <checksum (u14)> <status (u16)> <sequence-number (u14)> <data (x4)> <cue-number**> [<cue-list**> [<cue-path**>]]
* <cmdFmt> := lighting|moving-lights|color-changers|strobes|lasers|chasers|sound|music|cd-players|eprom-playback|audio-tape-machines|intercoms|amplifiers|audio-fx|equalizers|machinery|rigging|flys|lifts|turntables|trusses|robots|animation|floats|breakaways|barges|video|video-tape-machines|video-cassette-machines|video-disc-players|video-switchers|video-fx|video-char-generators|video-still-stores|video-monitors|projection|film-projects|slide-projectors|video-projectors|dissolvers|shutter-controls|process-control|hydraulic-oil|h2o|co2|compressed-air|natural-gas|fog|smoke|cracked-haze|pyro|fireworks|explosions|flame|smoke-pots|all
** <cue-number>, <cue-list>, <cue-path> := ascii numbers (0-9) and/or dots (.)

MIDI Machine Commands (MMC)
For MMC the MIDI format acts as container for a command stream of its own, where several MMC commands can be packed into one MIDI message.

	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> mcc <command1 ..> [<command2 ..> [ .. <commandN ..>] .. ]]
		 <commandN ..> :
		 (variable-play|search|shuttle|deferred-variable-play|record-strobe-variable) <speed (float)>
		 step <step (s7)>
		 locate (field <field>|mtc <fps = 24,25,29.97,30> <hour <= 23> <minute <= 59> <second <= 59> <frame < fps>)
		 assign-system-master <master (u7)>
		 generator-command (stop|run|copy-jam)
		 mtc-command (off|follow)
		 write ..
		 move ..

Mobile Phone Control
	 sysex rt <phone-id (u7)> mpc (vibrator|led|display|keypad|all|<manufacturer-id (x1,x3)> <cmd-id (u7)>> <device-index (u7)> <reset|on|off>
	 sysex rt <phone-id (u7)> mpc (vibrator|led|display|keypad|all|<manufacturer-id (x1,x3)> <cmd-id (u7)>> <device-index (u7)> <manufacturer-cmd (x1, x3)> <data (xN)>
	 sysex rt <phone-id (u7)> mpc (vibrator|led|display|keypad|all|<manufacturer-id (x1,x3)> <cmd-id (u7)>> <device-index (u7)> follow-midi-channels [<channel1 (u7)> <low-note1 (u7)> <high-note1  (u7)> [ .. [<channelN (u7)> <low-noteN (u7)> <high-noteN (u7)>] .. ]
	 sysex rt <phone-id (u7)> mpc (vibrator|led|display|keypad|all|<manufacturer-id (x1,x3)> <cmd-id (u7)>> <device-index (u7)> set-color <red (u7)> <green (u7)> <blue (u7)>
	 sysex rt <phone-id (u7)> mpc (vibrator|led|display|keypad|all|<manufacturer-id (x1,x3)> <cmd-id (u7)>> <device-index (u7)> set-level

Sample Dump Standard (SDS)
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> sds-header <sample-number (u14)> <sample-fmt (u7)> <sample-period (u21)> <sample-length (u21)> <loop-start (u21)> <loop-end (u21)> (uni-forward|bi-forward|forward-once)
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> sds-request <sample-number (u14)>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> sds-data <packet-index (u7)> <data (xN)> [<checksum (x1)> [<verification-checksum (x1)>]]*
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> sds-ext loop-point-tx <sample-number (u14)> <loop-number (u14)> (uni-forward|bi-forward|forward-once) <loop-start (u21)> <loop-end (u21)>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> sds-ext loop-point-request <sample-number (u14)> <loop-number (u14)>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> sds-ext ext-header <sample-number (u14)> <sample-fmt (u7)> <sample-rate-integer (u28)> <sample-rate-fraction (u28)> <sample-length (u35)> <loop-start (u35)> <loop-end (u35)> <loop-type**>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> sds-ext ext-loop-point-tx <sample-number (u14)> <loop-number (u14)> <loop-type**> <loop-start (u35)> <loop-end (u35)>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> sds-ext ext-loop-point-request <sample-number (u14)> <loop-number (u14)>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> sds-ext name-tx <sample-number (u14)> -*** <sample-name (strN) ...>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> sds-ext name-request <sample-number (u14)>
* <checksum> := as sent/to be sent in message, <verification-checksum> := as computed. Both checksums are given when parsing a MIDI stream but during generation, if no <checksum> is given it is computed (recommended) otherwise its value will be used; <verification-checksum> will always be ignored.
** <loop-type> := uni-forward|bi-forward|uni-forward-release|bi-forward-release|uni-backward|bi-backward|uni-backward-release|bi-backward-release|backward-once|forward-once
*** In principle there is a language tag to support localization, but apart from the default (English) none are documented and thus likely not used. Thus momentarily only the default is supported which is chosen by specifying '-' as argument.

MIDI Visual Control (MVC)
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> mvc (on-off|clip-control-channel|fx-control-channel|note-msg-enabled) <data (xN)>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> mvc (playback-assign-msn|playback-assign-lsn|dissolve-assign-msn|dissolve-assign-lsn) <data (xN)>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> mvc (fx1-assign-msn|fx1-assign-lsn|fx2-assign-msn|fx2-assign-lsn|fx3-assign-msn|fx3-assign-lsn) <data (xN)>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> mvc (playback-speed-range|keyboard-range-lower|keyboard-range-upper) <data (xN)>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> mvc <parameter-address (x3)> <data (xN)>

File Dump
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> file-dump request <sender-id (u7)> <type (str4)*> <name (strN)..>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> file-dump header <sender-id (u7)> <type (str4)*> <length (u28)> <name (strN)..>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> file-dump data <packet-number (u7)> <data (xN)> [<checksum (x1)> [<verification-checksum (x1)>]]**
*<type> := four 7-bit ASCII bytes. Defined in specification: MIDI, MIEX, ESEQ, TEXT, BIN<space>, MAC<space>
** <checksum> := as sent/to be sent in message, <verification-checksum> := as computed. Both checksums are given when parsing a MIDI stream but during generation, if no <checksum> is given it is computed (recommended) otherwise its value will be used; <verification-checksum> will always be ignored.

Notation Information
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> notation bar-number (not-running|running-unknown|<s14>)
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> notation time-signature (immediate|delayed) <midi-clock-in-metronome-click (u7)> <32nd-notes-in-midi-quarter-note (u7)> <time-signature-nominator1 (u7)> <time-signature-denominator1 (u7)>  [<nominator2 (u7)> <denominator2 (u7)> ..]

Tuning Standard
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> tuning bulk-dump-request <program (u7)>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> tuning bulk-dump-request-back <bank (u7)> <program (u7)>
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> tuning bulk-dump <program (u7)> <name (str16)> (-|<semitone1 (u7)> <cents1* (u14)>) .. (-|<semitone128 (u7)> <cents128* (u14)>) [<checksum (x1)> [<verification-checksum (x1)]]
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> tuning key-based-dump <bank (u7)> <preset (u7)> <name (str16)> (-|<semitone1 (u7)> <cents1* (u14)>) .. (-|<semitone128 (u7)> <cents128* (u14)>) [<checksum (x1)> [<verification-checksum (x1)]]
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> tuning single-note-change-back <bank (u7)> <preset (u7)> <key1 (u7)> <semitone1 (u7)> <cents1* (u14)> [..  <keyN (u7)> <semitoneN (u7)> <centsN* (u14)>]
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> tuning octave-dump-1byte <bank (u7)> <preset (u7)>  <name (str16)> <cent1** (s7)> .. <cents12** (s7)> ( [<checksum (x1)> [<verification-checksum (x1)]]
	 sysex nonrt <device-id (u7)> tuning octave-dump-2byte <bank (u7)> <preset (u7)>  <name (str16)> <cent1> .. <cents12 (s7)> ( [<checksum (x1)> [<verification-checksum (x1)]]
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> tuning single-note-change <program (u7)> <key1 (u7)> <semitone1 (u7)> <cents1* (u14)> [..  <keyN (u7)> <semitoneN (u7)> <centsN* (u14)>]
	 sysex rt <device-id (u7)> tuning single-note-change-bank <bank (u7)> <preset (u7)> <key1 (u7)> <semitone1 (u7)> <cents1* (u14)> [..  <keyN (u7)> <semitoneN (u7)> <centsN* (u14)>]
	* in .0061-cent units
	** from -64 (:=0) to 63 (:=127, ie 0 := 64)
	*** in .012207-cents units

	 bin/midimessage-cli -g note on 60 40 1
	 bin/midimessage-cli -g sysex experimental 1337
	 bin/midimessage-cli -g sysex rt 1 msc sound reset
	 bin/midimessage-cli -g | bin/midimessage-cli -p
	 bin/midimessage-cli -g --prefix='%d ' --suffix=$'\x0a'
	 bin/midimessage-cli -g | bin/midimessage-cli -ptmilli > test.recording
	 cat test.recording | bin/midimessage-cli -gtmilli | bin/midimessage-cli -p
	 bin/midimessage-cli --convert=nibblize --hex 1337 > test.nibblized
	 cat test.nibblized | bin/midimessage-cli --convert=denibblize --hex
	 bin/midimessage-cli -v1 -g nrpn 1 128 255 | bin/midimessage-cli -p
	 bin/midimessage-cli -v1 -g nrpn 1 128 256 | bin/midimessage-cli -p --nrpn-filter


TODO github page


License MIT

Also see file LICENSE


Here you will find applications that make use of this library. If you're using the library you can also drop me a line (which I appreciate either way).


Extensive library for MIDI constants, un-/packers, parser, cli and unified human-readable formatters/parser for MIDI Messages (embedded friendly)






