For prerequisites and detailed instructions please read the
Installation Instructionson the Wiki.
Heroku Hosted Webstie
Class Pressentation
A social network app like Upwork, built for developers and non-profits. Free to join and create a pulic profile. Have a task or need as a non-profit, simply use the homepage to search our database of networked developers.
Web Developers and local businesses and non-profits.
Communication and coordination between interested parties.
Demonstration of an online website built on the MERN stack and provide an MVP to later build a local social networking platform for web developers and programmers.
Location of non-profits through google api may be added as a stretch goal.
MongoDB Express React bryptjs mongoose passport nodemon
Human-centered design is motivated by creating solutions for problems and opportunities through a focus on the needs, contexts, behaviors, and emotions of the people that the solutions will serve.
Further Design decisions and processes can be found in the wiki page Design.
Evander was created for demonstration purposes only as part of the University of Minnesota's Web Development Bootcamp Course and not intended for commercial use.
Evander is licensed under the MIT License.