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Controls Library for .NET MAUI

This repository contains some custom made controls for your .NET MAUI application. This library is currently under development and for the moment there is only a RatingControl available.


Install the package via NuGet.



Open the class MauiProgram and call UseMauiControlsLib() on the MauiAppBuilder.

MauiAppBuilder builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
    .UseMauiControlsLib() // <--
    .ConfigureFonts(fonts =>
        fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular");
        fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold");

return builder.Build();

In order to make use of the control within XAML you can use this namespace:


Available Controls


You can use the InitialsControl in your .NET MAUI application to show a round badge with the initials of a person.

The following table explains all the available properties and their default value.

name type default value description
DefaultBackgroundColor Color Colors.LightGray Indicates the default background color if no name is available
TextColorLight Color Colors.White Indicates the light text color
TextColorDark Color Colors.Black Indicates the dark text color
Name string string.Empty Indicates the name to take the initials from
Size ControlSize ControlSize.Small Indicates the size of the control

Screenshot of InitialsControl on Android

Screenshot of InitialsControl on Windows


You can use the RatingControl in your .NET MAUI application.

The following table explains all the available properties and their default value.

name type default value description
Amount int 5 Indicates the number of rating items to be displayed
CurrentValue float 2.5f Indicates the current rating value to be displayed
ItemSize float 24f Indicates the size of each rating item
ItemSpacing float 6f Indicates the spacing between each rating item.
FillColor Color Colors.Yellow Indicates the fill color to be used for each rating item
UnfillColor Color Colors.LightGray Indicates the unfill color to be used for each rating item
Path string <Star> Indicates the path used to draw each rating item

Screenshot of RatingControl on Android

Screenshot of RatingControl on Windows


You can use the StaticChipControl in your .NET MAUI application.

The following table explains all the available properties and their default value.

name type default value description
Text string string.Empty Indicates the text of the chip to be displayed
Color Color Colors.LightGray Indicates the background color of the chip
TextColor Color Colors.Black Indicates the text color of the text
ImageSource ImageSource null Indicates the icon of the chip

Screenshot of StaticChipControl on Android

Screenshot of StaticChipControl on Windows

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.NET MAUI Controls Library with custom controls







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