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Rails for Designers

#sxsw #makeitreal @starterleague


11am - 1pm: Into the Deep End
  • Environment Setup
  • Explore static mockup of portfolio app
  • Dive into Rails
  • Live deploy
  • Bring the mockup to life
1pm - 2pm: Lunch
2pm - 3:30pm: Break for Keynote
  • Optional: Ruby Basics
3:30pm - 6pm: Facebook App
  • Finish up the portfolio app
  • Build a Facebook app
  • Office hours

Environment Setup

Welcome! For the workshop today, everyone will be working in pairs (we find working in pairs greatly enhances learning, and also, it's just a lot more fun).

Just so that we are all on the same page, we are going to stick with Macs. If you don't have a Mac, find someone who does to pair up with :)

If you haven't already tried installing Rails on your system, visit, download the appropriate package, and run it.

If you have already tried to install Ruby and Rails on your system, launch the Terminal app and enter the following at the prompt:

  • ruby -v (You should see ruby 1.9.3)
  • rails -v (You should see Rails 3.2.12)
  • git --version (You should see git version

If your Ruby and Git are alright but you don't have Rails, gem install rails (or if you have Rails but it is an older version, gem update rails).

If you see something different, visit RailsInstaller, download the appropriate package, and run it. Then try the above commands again. If you have any problems, let one of us know!

You should also download and install Sublime Text 2 (they offer a free trial).

Navigating with the Command Line

  • pwd Display your current location
  • ls List the contents of the current folder
  • mkdir <folder name> Create a subfolder
  • cd ~ Navigate to your Home folder
  • cd <folder name> Navigate into a subfolder
  • cd .. Navigate back to the parent folder
  • open . Open the current folder in Finder

Create a working folder

  • cd ~ Navigate to your home folder
  • mkdir dev Create a subfolder called dev
  • cd dev Navigate into ~/dev
  • mkdir sxsw
  • cd sxsw

Download our mockup

  • Go to the GitHub repository for our mockup and click the Download Zip button. Extract the archive into your working folder.
  • Open portfolio.html and portfolio-item.html and check 'em out. This is the app we're going to bring to life.

Rails Quickstart

  • rails new firstapp Create a new app
  • cd firstapp Navigate into your app
  • rails server Start your web server
  • Open up http://localhost:3000/ in Chrome to make sure the web server is up and running.
  • Drag your static mockup into your app's public folder and open up http://localhost:3000/portfolio.html in Chrome.

Deploy to the interwebs

gem 'sqlite3'


group :development do
  gem 'sqlite3'

and add

group :production do
  gem 'pg'
  • From the command line, bundle install
  • git init Initialize a local Git repository
  • git add -A Add all of the files in the current folder to a version staging area
  • git commit -m 'Brand new app with static mockup' Describe and save the current version of the code
  • heroku create sxsw-portfolio Create a repository for our code in Heroku's cloud
  • git push heroku master Send our code to Heroku for deployment
  • heroku run rake db:migrate Create any database tables we need on Heroku's server
  • heroku open Open our live app

CRUD Resource

  • At the heart of every app is data; things that the app keeps track of, and presents to the user in a valuable way.
  • To store all this data, we typically use databases. A database is simply a set of tables.
  • We refer to these things as resources. Pretty much every app you can think of is a collection of resources that you can Create, Read, Update, and/or Delete.
  • As such, Rails gives us a handy tool to get a head start on building a CRUD resource.
  • rails generate scaffold <table name (singular)> <first column>:<datatype> <second column>:<datatype> … Get a headstart on building a database-backed web resource
  • rake db:migrate Create the actual table in your database
  • Open http://localhost:3000/<table name (plural)> in Chrome

Move your assets into the pipeline

  • Place all CSS files into app/assets/stylesheets
  • Place all JavaScript files into app/assets/javascripts
  • Place all image files into app/assets/images
  • CSS and JavaScript will be automatically included in all of the pages served by the app.
  • Images can be located at http://localhost:3000/assets/<filename>
  • Delete the app/stylesheets/scaffolds.css.scss file.

Clone a repository from GitHub

  • Navigate to ~/dev/sxsw in Terminal
  • git clone Download the code and version history
  • cd portfolio Navigate into the repository
  • git checkout v2 Jump back to the first version
  • bundle install Install all the libraries that the app needs
  • rake db:migrate Create your database and tables
  • rake db:seed Pre-populates database with dummy data
  • rails server Start the server (don't forget to quit any other running servers with CTRL-C)

Sync your code with the instructor in case you get behind

  • Open up a new Terminal tab with CMD-T and make sure you are in the app's folder
  • git add -A Collect the changes you made to the code since the last saved version
  • git stash Throw them all away
  • git checkout v2 Jump to the right version

Generating dynamic HTML

  • Your HTML templates are located in the app/views/<table name (plural)> folder.
  • View templates are standard HTML with a bit of Ruby sprinkled in.
  • Ruby goes in special Embedded Ruby Tags, <%= %>
  • Check out app/views/projects/show.html.erb. What's the pattern for accessing data from the database?
  • Try to enhance the HTML around the ERB to look more like our mockup.
  • You need not include <html>, <head>, or <body> tags in the view template; Rails will automatically include them. Just include the content of the body.
  • First just paste the static markup into the view template; then try to go through, line by line, and embed Ruby wherever you need to in order to make it dynamic.
  • One possible solution can be seen here -- don't look at it until you've finished!

Challenge: Index

  • If you want to sync up, git add -A, git stash, git checkout v3
  • Enhance the index view template to look like our mockup.
  • Hint: every table automatically gets a column called id. The URL for the show page of a particular project is /projects/<that project's ID number>.
  • One possible solution can be seen here -- don't look at it until you've finished!

Only allow Read access.

  • If you want to sync up, git add -A, git stash, git checkout v4
  • In the app/controllers/projects_controller.rb file, add the line http_basic_authenticate_with :name => "jeff", :password => "hockey", :except => [:index, :show] on line 2
  • This will require authentication for every action except index (see the list of all projects) and show (see the details of one project).
  • In particular, visitors will not be able to Create, Update, or Destroy projects. They can only Read.

Challenge: Inquiries

  • If you want to sync up, git add -A, git stash, git checkout v5
  • Add another database-backed resource, Inquiry. The inquiries table should store name (string), email (string), and message (text). Solution
  • Add a link in the nav bar to a page that allows visitors to submit inquiries. Solution
  • Lock down access to everything Inquiry-related except the new and create actions. Solution

If you enjoyed the workshop, or if you didn't, SXSW encourages you to rate us at

Please stay in touch with us; we'd love to see the beautiful things you build.

Thank you very much for attending, and happy coding!


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