This repo has been archived! But there is a great maintained alternative by MMCV.
Use this guide to generate your install version, i.e.:
pip install mmcv-full==1.7.0 -f
Then you can change your imports to replace your DCN layer:
from mmcv.ops.deform_conv import DeformConv2d as DCN
from mmcv.ops.modulated_deform_conv import ModulatedDeformConv2dPack as DCN
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio
sudo apt-get install ninja-build
cd tests
python # run examples and gradient check on gpu
python # run examples and gradient check on cpu
Now the master branch is for pytorch 1.x, you can switch back to pytorch 0.4 with,
git checkout pytorch_0.4
- Gradient check w.r.t offset (solved)
- Backward is not reentrant (minor)
This is an adaption of the official Deformable-ConvNets.
Update: all gradient check passes with double precision.
Another issue is that it raises RuntimeError: Backward is not reentrant
. However, the error is very small (<1e-7
float <1e-15
for double),
so it may not be a serious problem (?)
Please post an issue or PR if you have any comments.