Running twemproxy on Kubernetes
Setup 2 instances of redis: create configmap for them, create 2 redis deployments and their respective services.
Update the PVC size to your liking.
kubectl create configmap redis-conf --from-file=redis.conf
kubectl create -f deployments/redis01.yaml
kubectl create -f deployments/redis02.yaml
kubectl create -f services/redis01.yaml
kubectl create -f services/redis02.yaml
Build the docker image for twemproxy from twemproxy
Edit twemproxy configuration
hash: murmur
distribution: ketama
auto_eject_hosts: true
redis: true
server_connections: 1
server_retry_timeout: 30000
timeout: 4000
server_failure_limit: 3
preconnect: true
- redis01:6379:1 redis01
- redis02:6379:1 redis02
# add more servers here
Create the configmap, deployment and service for twemproxy
kubectl create configmap twemproxy-conf --from-file=twemproxy.yml
kubectl create -f deployments/twemproxy.yaml
kubectl create -f services/twemproxy.yaml
Fire up an Ubuntu container and check if twemproxy is working as expected.
kubectl run -i --tty ubuntu --image=ubuntu --restart=Never /bin/bash
apt-get update && apt-get install -y redis-tools
redis-cli -h twemproxy -p 22121
set foo bar
get foo