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Add runnable 3d pose post-processing #28
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tucan9389 committed Feb 28, 2021
1 parent 2a39a36 commit b4de015
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Showing 3 changed files with 243 additions and 27 deletions.
249 changes: 223 additions & 26 deletions PoseEstimation-TFLiteSwift/Baseline3DPose/Baseline3DPoseEstimator.swift
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Expand Up @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@

import CoreVideo
import Accelerate

class Baseline3DPoseEstimator: PoseEstimator {
typealias PEFMCPMResult = Result<PoseEstimationOutput, PoseEstimationError>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,23 +149,7 @@ private extension PoseEstimationOutput {
func convertToKeypoints(from outputs: [TFLiteFlatArray<Float32>]) -> [Keypoint] {
let heatmaps = outputs[0]

// get (col, row)s from heatmaps
let keypointIndexInfos: [(row: Int, col: Int, dep: Int, val: Float32)] = (0..<Baseline3DPoseEstimator.Output.Heatmap.count).map { heatmapIndex in
return heatmaps.argmax3d(heatmapIndex)

// get points from (col, row)s and offsets
let keypointInfos: [(point: CGPoint, score: Float)] = keypointIndexInfos.enumerated().map { (index, keypointInfo) in
// (0.0, 0.0)~(1.0, 1.0)
let x = (CGFloat(keypointInfo.col) + 0.5) / CGFloat(Baseline3DPoseEstimator.Output.Heatmap.width)
let y = (CGFloat(keypointInfo.row) + 0.5) / CGFloat(Baseline3DPoseEstimator.Output.Heatmap.height)
let z = (CGFloat(keypointInfo.dep) + 0.5) / CGFloat(Baseline3DPoseEstimator.Output.Heatmap.depth)
let score = Float(keypointInfo.val)

return (point: CGPoint(x: x, y: y), score: score)

return { keypointInfo in Keypoint(position: keypointInfo.point, score: keypointInfo.score) }
return heatmaps.softArgmax3d().map { Keypoint(position: CGPoint(x: $0.position.x, y: $0.position.y), score: 1.0) }

func makeLines(with keypoints: [Keypoint]) -> [Human.Line] {
Expand All @@ -181,20 +166,232 @@ private extension PoseEstimationOutput {

extension TFLiteFlatArray where Element==Float32 {
func argmax3d(_ heatmapIndex: Int) -> (row: Int, col: Int, dep: Int, val: Element) {

func softArgmax3d() -> [Keypoint3D] {
let depth = 64
let height = dimensions[2]
let width = dimensions[3]
var maxInfo = (row: 0, col: 0, dep: 0, val: self[heatmap: 0, (heatmapIndex * height) + 0, 0, 0])
for row in 0..<height {
for col in 0..<width {
for dep in 0..<depth {
if self[heatmap: 0, (heatmapIndex * height) + dep, row, col] > maxInfo.val {
maxInfo = (row: row, col: col, dep: dep, val: self[0, (heatmapIndex * height) + dep, row, col])
let numberOfKeypoints = dimensions[1] / depth

// softmax per keypoints
for keypointIndex in 0..<numberOfKeypoints {
let startIndex = TensorShape.flatIndex(from: [0, keypointIndex + 0, 0, 0, 0], with: [1, keypointIndex, depth, height, width])
let endIndex = TensorShape.flatIndex(from: [0, keypointIndex + 1, 0, 0, 0], with: [1, keypointIndex, depth, height, width])
let heatmapsAtKeypoint = Array(array[startIndex..<endIndex])
array.replaceSubrange(startIndex..<endIndex, with: Self.softmax(heatmapsAtKeypoint))

// print(array.count)
// print(array[0..<(numberOfKeypoints*depth)])

// sum each
// (1, 18, 64, 64, 64)
// ex) (18, 64, 12)

var xs = array.sum(originalShape: [1, numberOfKeypoints, depth, height, width], targetDimension: [2, 3])
var ys = array.sum(originalShape: [1, numberOfKeypoints, depth, height, width], targetDimension: [2, 4])
var zs = array.sum(originalShape: [1, numberOfKeypoints, depth, height, width], targetDimension: [3, 4])

// print(xs)
// print(xs.count)

let rangeWidthFloat = (0..<(numberOfKeypoints * width)).map { Float($0 % width) }
let rangeHeightFloat = (0..<(numberOfKeypoints * height)).map { Float($0 % height) }
let rangeDepthFloat = (0..<(numberOfKeypoints * depth)).map { Float($0 % depth) }

xs *= rangeWidthFloat
ys *= rangeHeightFloat
zs *= rangeDepthFloat

xs = xs.sum(originalShape: [1, numberOfKeypoints, width], targetDimension: [2])
ys = ys.sum(originalShape: [1, numberOfKeypoints, height], targetDimension: [2])
zs = zs.sum(originalShape: [1, numberOfKeypoints, depth], targetDimension: [2])

xs = { 1.0 - (($0 - 0.5) / Float(width)) }
ys = { 1.0 - (($0 - 0.5) / Float(height)) }
zs = { 1.0 - (($0 - 0.5) / Float(depth)) }

// print("x:", xs)
// print("y:", ys)
// print("z:", zs)

return (0..<xs.count).map { Keypoint3D(x: CGFloat(xs[$0]), y: CGFloat(ys[$0]), z: CGFloat(zs[$0])) }

Computes the "softmax" function over an array.
Based on code from
This is what softmax looks like in "pseudocode" (actually using Python
and numpy):
x -= np.max(x)
exp_scores = np.exp(x)
softmax = exp_scores / np.sum(exp_scores)
First we shift the values of x so that the highest value in the array is 0.
This ensures numerical stability with the exponents, so they don't blow up.
static func softmax(_ x: [Float]) -> [Float] {
var x = x
let len = vDSP_Length(x.count)

// Find the maximum value in the input array.
var max: Float = 0
vDSP_maxv(x, 1, &max, len)

// Subtract the maximum from all the elements in the array.
// Now the highest value in the array is 0.
max = -max
vDSP_vsadd(x, 1, &max, &x, 1, len)

// Exponentiate all the elements in the array.
var count = Int32(x.count)
vvexpf(&x, x, &count)

// Compute the sum of all exponentiated values.
var sum: Float = 0
vDSP_sve(x, 1, &sum, len)

// Divide each element by the sum. This normalizes the array contents
// so that they all add up to 1.
vDSP_vsdiv(x, 1, &sum, &x, 1, len)

return x


extension Array where Element == Float {
func sum(originalShape: [Int], targetDimension: [Int]) -> [Float] {

let outputShape = originalShape.enumerated()
.filter { !targetDimension.contains($0.offset) }
.map { $0.element }
let totalLength = outputShape.reduce(1) { $0 * $1 }
let targetShape: [Int] = { originalShape[$0] }
var resultArray = Array<Float>(repeating: 0.0, count: totalLength)
let notTargetDimension: [Int] = (0..<originalShape.count).filter { !targetDimension.contains($0) }
// let targetTotalLength = targetShape.reduce(1) { $0 * $1 } // with swift
let sumTargetDimension = targetDimension.enumerated().filter { $0.offset != targetDimension.count - 1 }.map { $0.element } // with accelerate
let sumTargetShape = targetShape.enumerated() // with accelerate
.filter { $0.offset != targetShape.count - 1 }
.map { $0.element }
let sumTargetLength = sumTargetShape.reduce(1) { $0 * $1 } // with accelerate
print("sum ->", "originalShape:", originalShape, "targetDimension:", targetDimension, "targetShape:", targetShape, "notTargetDimension:", notTargetDimension)

let lastDimension = targetDimension[targetDimension.count-1]
let lastRank = originalShape[lastDimension]
let lastRankLength = vDSP_Length(lastRank)
var indexesAsOriginalTensor: [Int] = { _ in return 0 }
for (flatIndexAsResultTensor, indexesAsResultTensor) in TensorShape(shape: outputShape) {
indexesAsOriginalTensor = { _ in return 0 }
indexesAsResultTensor.enumerated().forEach { indexesAsOriginalTensor[notTargetDimension[$0.offset]] = $0.element }

let firstIndexesAsOriginalTensor = indexesAsOriginalTensor
let secondIndexesAsOriginalTensor = indexesAsOriginalTensor.enumerated().map { $0.offset == lastDimension ? 1 : $0.element }
let firstFlatIndex = TensorShape.flatIndex(from: firstIndexesAsOriginalTensor, with: originalShape)
let secondFlatIndex = TensorShape.flatIndex(from: secondIndexesAsOriginalTensor, with: originalShape)
let strideValue = secondFlatIndex - firstFlatIndex
let stride = vDSP_Stride(strideValue)
// print(secondIndexesAsOriginalTensor, firstIndexesAsOriginalTensor)
// print(secondFlatIndex, "-", firstFlatIndex, "->", strideValue)

// with accelerate
var sumedValue: Float = 0.0
for flatIndex in 0..<sumTargetLength {
let sumTargetIndexes = TensorShape.indexes(from: flatIndex, with: sumTargetShape)
sumTargetIndexes.enumerated().forEach { indexesAsOriginalTensor[sumTargetDimension[$0.offset]] = $0.element }
let startingFlatIndex = TensorShape.flatIndex(from: indexesAsOriginalTensor, with: originalShape)
sumedValue = 0.0
self.withUnsafeBufferPointer {
vDSP_sve($0.baseAddress! + startingFlatIndex, stride, &sumedValue, lastRankLength)
resultArray[flatIndexAsResultTensor] += sumedValue

/* with swift
resultArray[flatIndexAsResultTensor] = 0.0
// sum and assign at flatIndexAsResultTensor
for flatIndex in 0..<targetTotalLength {
let targetIndexes = TensorShape.indexes(from: flatIndex, with: targetShape)
targetIndexes.enumerated().forEach { indexesAsOriginalTensor[targetDimension[$0.offset]] = $0.element }
resultArray[flatIndexAsResultTensor] += self[TensorShape.flatIndex(from: indexesAsOriginalTensor, with: originalShape)]
return maxInfo

return resultArray

extension Array where Element == Float {
static func *=(lhs: inout Array<Float>, rhs: Array<Float>) {
let stride = vDSP_Stride(1)
let n = vDSP_Length(lhs.count)
vDSP_vmul(rhs, stride, lhs, stride, &lhs, stride, n)

class TensorShape: Sequence {
var shape: [Int]

init(shape: [Int]) {
self.shape = shape

func makeIterator() -> TensorShapeIterator {
return TensorShapeIterator(shape: shape)

static func indexes(from flatIndex: Int, with shape: [Int]) -> [Int] {
var flatIndex = flatIndex
let reversedShape = shape.reversed()
let reversedIndexes: [Int] = { rank in
let result = flatIndex % rank
flatIndex -= result
flatIndex /= rank
return result
let indexes = reversedIndexes.reversed()
return Array<Int>(indexes)

static func flatIndex(from indexes: [Int], with shape: [Int]) -> Int {
var multipleSize = 1
return zip(indexes, shape).reversed().reduce(0) { (beforeIndex, IndexesAndDimension) in
let (index, rank) = IndexesAndDimension
let currentMultipleSize = multipleSize
multipleSize *= rank
return beforeIndex + (index * currentMultipleSize)

class TensorShapeIterator: IteratorProtocol {
var shape: [Int]
var currentFlatIndex: Int
var length: Int

init(shape: [Int]) {
self.shape = shape
self.length = shape.reduce(1) { $0 * $1 }
self.currentFlatIndex = 0
func next() -> (Int, [Int])? {
guard currentFlatIndex < length else { return nil }
let reversedShape = shape.reversed()
var flatIndex = currentFlatIndex

let reversedIndexes: [Int] = { rank in
let result = flatIndex % rank
flatIndex = flatIndex / rank
return result
let indexes = reversedIndexes.reversed()
flatIndex = currentFlatIndex
currentFlatIndex += 1

return (flatIndex, Array<Int>(indexes))

typealias Element = (Int, [Int])
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions PoseEstimation-TFLiteSwift/PoseEstimator.swift
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Expand Up @@ -137,6 +137,25 @@ struct KeypointElement: Equatable {

struct Keypoint3D {

struct Point3D {
let x: CGFloat
let y: CGFloat
let z: CGFloat

let position: Point3D

init(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat, z: CGFloat) {
position = Point3D(x: x, y: y, z: z)

static func == (lhs: Self, rhs: Self) -> Bool {
return lhs.position.x == rhs.position.x && lhs.position.y == rhs.position.y && lhs.position.z == rhs.position.z

struct PoseEstimationOutput {

var outputs: [TFLiteFlatArray<Float32>]
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion PoseEstimation-TFLiteSwift/TFLiteFlatArray.swift
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Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ import TensorFlowLite
// MARK: - Wrappers
/// Struct for handling multidimension `Data` in flat `Array`.
class TFLiteFlatArray<Element: AdditiveArithmetic> {
private var array: [Element]
var array: [Element]
var dimensions: [Int]

init(tensor: Tensor) {
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