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The testing module for WSH. I thought to name this module "Test", But I chose "Jest". Because "Test" is a frequently used name, and "T" and "J" look similar. On the other hand, this module is just a bit like Jest.

Operating environment

Works on JScript in Windows.


(1) Create a directory of your WSH project.

D:\> mkdir MyWshProject
D:\> cd MyWshProject

(2) Download and unzip this ZIP or Use the bellowing git command.

> git clone ./WshModules/WshJest
> git submodule add ./WshModules/WshJest

Now, The file structure is as

├─ MyScript.js <- Your JScript code will be written in this.
└─ WshModules\
    └─ WshJest\
        └─ dist\
          └─ app.js


(1) If you want to test MyScript.js, create a new .wsf file and .js file for testing.

├─ Test.wsf  <- Create this (Package file)
├─ MyScript.js
├─ MyScript.test.js <- Create this (Test code)
└─ WshModules\
    └─ WshJest\
        └─ dist\
          └─ app.js

(2) Write the above Test.wsf. For example, the following content

  <job id = "run">
    <script language="JScript" src="./MyScript.js"></script>
    <script language="JScript" src="./WshModules/WshJest/dist/app.js"></script>
    <script language="JScript" src="./MyScript.test.js"></script>

Note that .\WshJest\dist\app.js should be placed above your test .js file. I recommend this WSH file (.wsf) encoding to be UTF-8 [BOM, CRLF].

(3) Now, Your JScript (MyModule.test.js) can use the testing functions. describe, test, and expect. For example,

describe('MyScript', function () {
  test('Values', function () {
    // Compare primitive values or referential identity of object instances.
    // Check an item that is in an array .

  test('Functions', function () {
    // Check a variable that is undefined.
    // Check a function throws when it is called.
    expect(function () { myFunc1(null); }).toThrowError();

(4) Run the test with cscript.exe.

> cscript //nologo .\Test.wsf

  √ Values (0ms 2exp)
  √ Functions (0ms 2exp)

Tests: 4 passed, 4 total

Specifying test name

Can use the argument -t or --testNamePattern.

> cscript //nologo .\Test.wsf -t "Values"

  √ Values (0ms 2exp)

Tests: 2 skipped, 2 passed, 4 total

This string is to be specified as RegExp. e.g. "\w+Functions$".

Note that if you use ^ in the Command-Prompt, you need to escape it at the caret itself. For example,

> cscript //nologo .\Test.wsf -t "^^MyFooBar"

Expect Method Examples

toBe, not.toBe

toBe is if (A === B), not.toBe is if (A !== B).

describe('Expect Methods', function () {
  test('Be', function () {
    expect(undefined).toBe(undefined); // √
    expect(null).toBe(null); // √

    expect(undefined).toBe(null); // ×
    expect(undefined).not.toBe(null); // √

    // String
    expect('MY_CONST_VAL').toBe('MY_CONST_VAL'); // √
    expect('my_const_val').toBe('MY_CONST_VAL'); // ×
    expect('my_const_val').not.toBe('MY_CONST_VAL'); // √

    // Array
    var arrA = [1];
    var arrB = [1];
    var arrC = arrB;
    expect([1]).toBe([1]); // ×
    expect([1]).toBe(arrA); // ×
    expect(arrA).toBe(arrA); // √
    expect(arrA).toBe(arrB); // ×
    expect(arrB).toBe(arrC); // √

    // Object
    var obj1 = { a: 'A' };
    var obj2 = { a: 'A' };
    var obj3 = obj2;
    expect({ a: 'A' }).toBe({ a: 'A' }); // ×
    expect({ a: 'A' }).toBe(obj1); // ×
    expect(obj1).toBe(obj1); // √
    expect(obj1).toBe(obj2); // ×
    expect(obj2).toBe(obj3); // √

toDefined, toBeUndefined

describe('Expect Methods', function () {
  test('Defined', function () {
    var obj = { a: 'A' };

    // toBeDefined
    expect(undefined).toBeDefined(); // ×
    expect(null).toBeDefined(); // √
    expect('').toBeDefined(); // √
    expect(obj).toBeUndefined(); // √
    expect(obj.a).toBeUndefined(); // √
    expect(obj.b).toBeUndefined(); // ×

    // toBeUndefined
    expect(undefined).toBeUndefined(); // √
    expect(null).toBeUndefined(); // ×
    expect('').toBeUndefined(); // ×
    expect(obj).toBeUndefined(); // ×
    expect(obj.a).toBeUndefined(); // ×
    expect(obj.b).toBeUndefined(); // √

toEqual, not.toEqual

describe('Expect Methods', function () {
  test('Equal', function () {
    expect(undefined).toEqual(undefined); // √
    expect(null).toEqual(null); // √

    expect(undefined).toEqual(null); // ×
    expect(undefined).not.toEqual(null); // √

    // String
    expect('MY_CONST_VAL').toEqual('MY_CONST_VAL'); // √
    expect('my_const_val').toEqual('MY_CONST_VAL'); // ×
    expect('my_const_val').not.toEqual('MY_CONST_VAL'); // √

    // Array
    var arrA = [1];
    var arrB = [1];
    var arrC = arrB;
    expect([1]).toEqual([1]); // √
    expect([1]).toEqual(arrA); // √
    expect(arrA).toEqual(arrA); // √
    expect(arrA).toEqual(arrB); // √
    expect(arrB).toEqual(arrC); // √
    expect([1, 2]).toEqual([1]); // ×

    // Object
    var obj1 = { a: 'A' };
    var obj2 = { a: 'A' };
    var obj3 = obj2;
    expect({ a: 'A' }).toEqual({ a: 'A' }); // √
    expect({ a: 'A' }).toEqual(obj1); // √
    expect(obj1).toEqual(obj1); // √
    expect(obj1).toEqual(obj2); // √
    expect(obj2).toEqual(obj3); // √
    expect({ a: 'A', b: 'B' }).toEqual({ a: 'A' }); // ×

toContain, not.toContain

Use for String and Array.

describe('Expect Methods', function () {
  test('Contain', function () {
    expect(undefined).toContain(undefined); // throw a error
    expect(null).toContain(null); // throw a Error

    // String
    expect('MY_CONST_VAL').toContain('CONST_VAL'); // √
    expect('MY_CONST_VAL').toContain('MY'); // √
    expect('MY_CONST_VAL').toContain('my'); // ×
    expect('MY_CONST_VAL').not.toContain('Another_val'); // √

    // Array
    var arr1 = [1];
    expect([arr1, 2]).toContain(arr1); // √

    expect([1, 2]).toContain(1); // √
    expect([1, 2]).toContain([1]); // ×
    expect([[1], 2]).toContain([1]); // ×

    expect([1, { b: 'B' }]).toContain({ b: 'B' }); // ×
    var objB = { b: 'B' };
    expect([1, objB]).toContain(objB); // √

    // Object -> All of them to be failed
    expect({ a: 'A', b: 'B' }).toContain({ a: 'A' }); // ×
    expect({ a: 'A' }).toContain({ a: 'A' }); // ×
    expect({ a: 'A' }).toContain('a'); // ×
    expect({ a: 'A' }).toContain('A'); // ×

toContainEqual, not.toContainEqual

Use for Array.

describe('Expect Methods', function () {
  test('ContainEqual', function () {
    expect(undefined).toContainEqual(undefined); // throw a error
    expect(null).toContainEqual(null); // throw a Error

    // String -> All of them to be failed
    expect('MY_CONST_VAL').toContainEqual('MY'); // ×
    expect('MY_CONST_VAL').toContainEqual('MY_CONST_VAL'); // ×
    expect('MY_CONST_VAL').not.toContainEqual('MY_CONST_VAL'); // √

    // Array
    expect([1, 2]).toContainEqual(1); // √
    expect([1, 2]).toContainEqual([1]); // ×
    expect([[1], 2]).toContainEqual([1]); // √
    expect([1, { b: 'B' }]).toContainEqual({ b: 'B' }); // √

    // Object -> All of them to be failed
    expect({ a: 'A', b: 'B' }).toContainEqual({ a: 'A' }); // ×
    expect({ a: 'A' }).toContainEqual({ a: 'A' }); // ×
    expect({ a: 'A' }).toContainEqual('a'); // ×
    expect({ a: 'A' }).toContainEqual('A'); // ×

Other methods

describe('Expect Methods', function () {
  test('others', function () {
    // toThrowError
    expect(new Error).toThrowError(); // √
    expect(function () { undefinedFunc(); }).toThrowError(); // √

    // @TODO
    // toBeNaN, toBeGreaterThan, toBeTruthy, toHaveLength


See all specifications here.

Example of Use



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