Currently tested on ctapipe commit 63fe206b1d603b0fff61486b6d0c18f73ef4e321 (17.07.2019).
Processing of CTA simtel files to hdf5 dL1 files.
script is a little command line tool to convert multiple simtel files
into one hdf5 file for each simtel file.
The hdf5 files consist of the groups 'runs', 'array_events', 'telescope_events'.
This hdf5 file will contain important monte carlo truths and image features as well as reconstructed directions and other stereo parameters.
Parameters for the processing of the simtel files can be specified via the
config file that needs to be provided.
A sample config can be found at
If you want to log into a file or display debug messages, you can also specify a config file for the root logger. A sample config that outputs to two files and the terminal can be fount at
Call like this:
python input_pattern output_folder config_file
Additional options are:
-l (--logger_config_file: (optional) config file to specify logging behaviour)
-n (--n_events: events to process per file)
-j (--n_jobs: jobs to start)
--overwrite/--no-overwrite (whether to overwrite existing output files)
-v (--verbose: informations to provide while running)
-c (--chunksize: number of files to join as one chunk)
These files can then be merged via
to receive a single file.
Starting from the monte carlo simtel files:
- Call
with parameters on a bunch of gamma and a bunch of proton files. - Merge gamma/protons via
to get two files: one for gammas and one for protons - Use the aict-tools or similar tools for machine learning (Split into train/test sets, train models for energy regression and gamma/hadron separation and apply these models on your test splits.)
Helper script to download Prod-3 monte carlo. Requires a password.
First follow the steps given in the user guide here:
This will install its own version of python and pip for some effing reason. I do not think there is an excuse for that. Anyhow. After thats all over you might want to install dependencies in that python installation. This works by simply doing this then:
pip install --trusted-host --trusted-host --trusted-host numpy click tqdm
Some of the gird servers seem to come with a miniconda version. So one might be able to use pip to install things at the nodes. Im gonna try.