Willkommen beim ioBroker Adapter für Tibber. Ich freue mich, dass Du diesen Adapter einsetzen möchtest. Falls du noch zu Tibber wechseln und mich dabei mit unterstützen möchstest kannst Du gerne meinen Einladungslink verwenden:
connects tibber API and ioBroker
- try automatically reconnecting websocket connection (pulse data) in 5s interval
- add some technical improvements on api calls
- add some debug logs
- add some error handling while api calls
- change connection state with live measurement
- Tibber API: breaking change in websocket subscriptions December 2022
- quick temp. implementation of new tibber api Package
- get prices of today and tomorrow
- switch from schedule to deamon
- Load current energy price on 5 min interval
- optimize structure and internal objects
- connects tibber pulse and get data
- configurate fields for tibber pulse feed
Reading data from tibber API:
- list and details of homes
- details of metering point
- features of account
- current energy price
- energy prices of today
- energy prices of tomorrow
- acitvate or deaktivate pulse (no data at the moment)
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007
Copyright (c) 2022 Codibris email@codibris.de