Automatic Feature Selection is a code framework for the feature selection method introduced in
Caner Hazirbas, Julia Diebold, Daniel Cremers, Optimizing the Relevance-Redundancy Tradeoff for Efficient Semantic Segmentation, In Scale Space and Variational Methods in Computer Vision, 2015.
-- build ; build directories for CMake and QtCreator projects
-- cuda ; cuda source/header files
-- doc ; code documentation and related conference paper
-- html ; html documentation (double-click on **index.html**)
-- latex ; PDF documentation
-- include ; header files
-- misc ; miscellaneous source files and mrmr
-- mrmr ; folder to store mrmr executable file
-- src ; source files
-- ; QtCreator Project File
-- CMakeLists.txt ; CMake Project File
To be able to compile and run the code you need a computer with
- Ubuntu OS (12.04/14.04)
- NVidia GPU with CUDA support
You need to install the following libraries (I recommend you to download and compile the libraries from source):
Along with these libraries, you need to install CUDA drivers on your machine:
Once libraries are installed, you can download the source from github:
git clone
This framework requires mrmr method to be compiled. Please download the source files inside the folder misc/mrmr/ and compile the code with make command.
Please export the following paths in your .bashrc if you built libraries from source.
- OpenCV 2.4.10
export OPENCV_DIR=<path to OpenCV>/OpenCV/2.4.10/share/OpenCV export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:<path to OpenCV>/OpenCV/2.4.10/lib/pkgconfig export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path to OpenCV>/OpenCV/2.4.10/lib
- Boost 1.54.0
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:<path to Boost>/Boost/1.54/build/lib
Change the following lines in CMakeLists.txt
- Line 13 : Set path to the OpenCVConfig.cmake
- Line 23 : Set CUDA Compute Capability in arch=compute_??,code=sm_??
Run console in AFS/build/CMake and type:
cmake ../../ make make install make clean (to clean the project)
Set INCLUDEPATH and LIBS path in (qmake project file) for :
- OpenCV 2.4.10: Lines 71, 73
- Boost 1.54.0 : Lines 89, 91
- CUDA 6.5 : Lines 104, 106
Set CUDA installation directory(CUDA_DIR) and CUDA compute capability(CUDA_ARCH) in Lines 101, 102
You can use build/QtCreator/Debug and build/QtCreator/Release folders to compile the project with QtCreator
Both builds will copy the executable file (AFS) into the main project folder. You can run the executable as ./AFS.