Releases: tuomount/Open-Realms-of-Stars
Open Realm of Stars 0.6.0Alpha
New features and changes
- New ship components:
- Combat thrusters - Boost combat speed
- Fighter bays - Move fighters/destroyes inside bigger ships
- When building game it does not play sounds anymore.
- Espionage ships can be now recognized with good scanners.
- Homarian race have their diplomatic music.
- Espionage information is now tradeable.
- AI uses espionage information when planning the turn.
- Ships with espionage are consider as spy and can be asked move away from owner's sector.
- Defensive pact diplomatic agreement. For this release this replaces old alliance diplomatic argreement.
- AI now uses first colony ship for exploration
- Game has now proper ending. It shows the history of played game.
- Rogue planets: These are planets outside of solar system. Otherwise they work as regular planets.
Bug fixes
- Diplomacy bonus lasting was not updated.
- Radiation dampener and well did not work correctly.
- Game crash when moving(Related to AI's colony ship exploration).
- AIs did not use border crossing information.
- Espionage information was not used diplomatic trades.
Open Realm of Stars 0.5.0Alpha
New Features and changes
- Espionage: New espionage view and espionage module for ships.
- Realms have now possibility to fake their military size.
- To get correct military size espionage is required.
- New ship components: Espionage Modules
- Possibility to win the game by game score.
- Game length can be defined in Galaxy creation view
- Stats view has separate score view.
- New space race: Homarian race
Homarians are tough and hard working people. Their cultural and science skills are a bit challenging. - New combat/conquer music
- New diplomacy music for Greyans, Mechions and Scaurians
- New fleet icons when fleet is defending or being fixed.
- Random events when colonizing new planets.
- Planets are now divided into types: Silicon World, Iron World, Water World, Ice World and Carbon World
- Random events contain ancient buildings, rich metal surface and more food on planet.
- Possibility to use credits or population to rush production.
- Rushing type depends on space race which you are playing.
- Limit visible techs in diplomacy view. Now only shown useful techs, not obsolete ones.
- Diplomacy removed from privateer ships.
Bug fixes
- AI's War declaration could be canceled by not agreeing with it in diplomacy screen.
- Privateer ships does not need to require cargo space any more.
- Fixed white rectangle from JScrollPanes.
- Starmap was not scanned immediately after combat.
- Galaxy creation view was missing labels.
Open Realm of Stars 0.4.0Alpha
New Features and changes
- Route is visible when fleet is selected
- News Corporation view has own music
- Each star has unique name
- Planets cannot build ship if enemy ship is orbiting the planet
- Diplomacy view music added following space race:
- Humans
- Sporks
- Centaurs
- Teuthidaes
- Mothoids
- Privateer ships
- AI has now privateer missions
- Privateers can steal cargo in combat
- Conquer view now plays combat music
- Conquer view now has sound effects
- Improved AI path finding both in starmap and in combat
- New space race added: Scaurians
- Scaurians are space race focused on space trading
- See more info on Wiki:
- Cultural value now decreases somewhat the longer the distance is
Bug fixes
- Taking metal to cargo does not any more make more room for colonists.
- Human player ship design are now required have unique name
Open Realm of Stars 0.3.5Alpha
Bug fixes
- Contains fixes for Windows UI:
- Title bar was calculate into JFrame, so that bottom panel was missing
- Research/Credit labels were flickering in Star View when playing in Windows
Open Realm of Stars 0.3.0Alpha
Features / Changes
- AI is now be able to bomb/conquer enemy planets
- Improved AI's attack mission on handling
- AI does not start diplomatic trade if there isn't anything to trade
- Added new sound effects
- Trade ships
- AI now designs bombers
- AI deletes unneeded designs. Also human player can delete unused designs.
- AI fleet now has separate debugging mode
- Added new music
Bug fixes
- AI destroys enemy starbases when at war
- Ship's armor value is now regenerated between combats
- In some cases loser's fleet was not removed and winner wasn't moved
- Human starbases could not fire when deployed
- AI select orbital bombs into starbases
- Starbases did not have extended range for weapons
- Human player could attack against AI player and this did not cause war
- Sometimes when human fleet was travelling FTL, it used same diplomacy as when AI met another AI
- AI now need to have scanners to see fleets crossing the borders
Open Realm of Stars 0.2.0Alpha
Features / Changes
- Starbases can be now built on Deep Space Anchors
- Research view can show upcoming technologies on same level, makes easier to choose if you want to skip current level
- New Title music (Plays also during the game)
- Combat music
- Currently playing music is shown on top of everything for a while when music changes.
- Improved combat animation
- Improved performance on quite many screen
- AIs update their colony ship
- Special tile show information on starmap view( Deep space anchors and stars for moment)
Bug fixes
- AI no more designs multiple copies of same trooper ships. (Same thing with starbases)
- Fixes news screen having multiple attitudes sometimes.
- Fixes NPEs when all ships are gone through wormhole
- FTL no longer "jump" over tiles
Open Realm Of Stars 0.1.0Alpha
Open Realm Of Stars 0.1.0Alpha
Features / Changes
- News Corporation now shows news about big changes like war, peace, planet conquering, real stats research done etc.
- Nuking or make war declaration makes that player as "bad guy" in terms of diplomacy bonuses.
- If human player ship has crossed the border and he or she promises to move this will be added as a message.
- Fixes a bug where same ships was in two different fleets
- Music player and one music added
- Possibility to escape from combat
- AI should be able to conquer planet (But due that fact that attacking AI code was bad I wasn't able to verify it)
Open Realm of Stars 0.0.6Alpha
Open Realm Of Stars 0.0.6Alpha
Fourth pre packed release of Open Realm of Stars version 0.0.6Alpha
- New distribution format: Zip file instead of JAR
- Scanners and Cloaking devices work in game
- Two new races: Mothoids and Teuthtidaes
- Diplomacy: AI and human player can have diplomatic trade between each others
- AI players also honor diplomacy, according Attitudes, so aggressive might attack if he or she has more military power and so on.
- AI now have two attitudes: One from SpaceRace and another is randomized when game starts.
- Stats view has now relation tabs which should diplomatic relation between players.
- AI player now stop colonization mission if planet has been colonized already
- Adds new mission type for AI: Move, Used when AI moving fleet away from border crossing or if planet has been colonized then moving that fleet back to home base.
- Bugs fixed:
- Combat ends after 15 rounds if neither side can damage other.
- NPE fixed if fleetTile contained removed fleet
- Shooting trajectory was calculated in integers not in doubles, fixed.
- Fixed NPE if AI explored whole galaxy.
Open Realm of Stars 0.0.5Alpha
Third pre-build jar of Open Realm of Stars.
New features:
- Improved AI exploration
- AI can recycle/destroy worst buildings from planet
- AI now correctly obsoletes old designs
- Mechion race does not go bankcrupt by default
- Ships can be recycled
- AI does not stay in infinite loop when last fleet is destroyed
- Player statistic view added
- Fleets can be fixed after combat
- Each space race have all ship icons and they are unique
- Human player cannot move enemy ships anymore
- Human player cannot control enemy planets anymore
- Add sounds for menus and combats
- There is no more possible to make indestructible ship design
- Forcing fleet names to be unique
- Player planets can be browsed with next and prev buttons
- One jammer and targeting computer is allowed in design
- If battle happens on planet, planet is draw on background
- AI vs AI battle is no longer shown to human player
Open Realm of Stars 0.0.4Alpha
Open Realm of Stars 0.0.4Alpha
Second built jar of Open Realm of Star. This contains new feature to previous one:
- Better AI
- Planets can conquered
- Galaxy configuration when starting new game
- Bugs fixed and overall improvements
- Full mouse control
Couple of keys which are important on Star Map view:
When fleet is selected, arrow keys make fleet to move as a standard move.
When fleet is selected R key allows setting fleet a route which then travels using FTL speed.
Space bar focus message and pressing second time space bar moves to next message.
Press any time F10 to take screenshots.
For debugging purposes P can be pressed and it switch player to AI player. For AI players can be
controller same way as human player. Main purpose for this key is just view what AI has done so I can tweak
the AI.