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Welcome to Census, and Omniauth strategy for Census. This gem makes it possible to log users into your application using their Turing Census loging credentials.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

# Gemfile

gem 'omniauth-census', git: ""

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install omniauth-census


Step 1: Register your Application

A Note About Environments

Since you can perform destructive actions on Census with your application keys, we host a "staging" and a "production" version of the Census app. That way, if you have a bug in your code, you'll only screw up the "staging" app.

This gem is set to use the "production" host of Census if your application's RACK_ENV variable is set to production, and staging for all other values of RACK_ENV (including if it is unset).

Additionally, you can force use of the production server by setting an environment variable CENSUS_ENV=production.

Setting this environment variable using Figaro may not work for you. If that is the case, set it directly from the terminal using the following command:

export CENSUS_ENV=production

The Census endpoint can be overridden by setting a fully qualified URL in CENSUS_PROVIDER_ENDPOINT.

Registering with Census Staging

While it is true that you can force your application to use the production environment of Census, it is recommended that you use the staging environment when working in dev/test.

It may be the case that you do not currently have a login in the staging environment. If so, ask a Turing staff member to see if they can create an invitation for you.

Once you have logged in and set up your account:

Registering with Census Production

When you are ready to deploy, perform the same steps when registering with Census Staging on the production version of Census.

Note that Census requires you to use https when creating a callback URL in the production environment. It may be beneficial for you to force users to connect over SSL.

Step 2: Configure OmniAuth

  • Add the CENSUS_ID, CENSUS_SECRET you receive to your application's environment variables. Use the "production" values if RACK_ENV is set to production. Use the "development" values for all other environments.

    • For security, please ensure that these variables are not uploaded to GitHub or any other publicly available resource. If you need assistance with keeping these secret, consider using the Figaro gem. (Figaro pronunciation: /fi.ɡa.ʁɔ/)
  • Create the following file: touch config/initializers/omniauth.rb

  • Add the following configuration to the above file:

    # config/initializers/omniauth.rb
    Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
      provider :census, ENV["CENSUS_ID"], ENV["CENSUS_SECRET"], {
        :name => "census"

Note: The snippet above assumes that each has been set in your environment, per our earlier recommendation. You can rename CENSUS_ID and CENSUS_SECRET to whatever you would like as long as they are consistent with the names you have used when setting your environment variables.

Step 3: Setup Route

In your Rails application create the following routes:

# config/routes.rb

get 'auth/:provider/callback', to: 'sessions#create'

Step 4: Create a Controller

In your Rails application create a controller that will handle the login process. For example:

touch app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb

In that controller include the following:

# app/controllers/sessions_controller.rb

class SessionsController < ApplicationController
  def create
    census_user_info = request.env["omniauth.auth"]

Step 5: Add Login Link

Add the following code to your desired view in order to create a Census Login Link

<%= link_to 'Login with Census', '/auth/census' %>

Getting data from the Census API

Use the Census::Client included in this gem. It currently supports fetching the currently logged in user (via the token). Given a token its usage is:

census_user = token).get_current_user

It will return an instance of Census::User or raise an error that should be handled. The error is one of:

  • Census::Client::InvalidResponseError
  • Census::Client::UnauthorizedError
  • Census::Client::NotFoundError

If you are performing actions on behalf of an oauth application (not on behalf of a specific user) you can fetch a token given the client id and secret with the following:

credentials = Census::Client.generate_token(client_id: 'foo', client_secret: 'bar')

It will return a Census::Credentials object or raise an error.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

Releasing a new version

  • Make your changes and go through the pull request process.
  • Merge to master.
  • Update the version number in version.rb
  • Make a new commit with something like git commit -m "Bumping version to 0.1.2"
  • Then run git tag v0.1.2
  • Then run git push && git push --tags


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.