A Yeoman generator to create an Angular2 startup project with following features:
- Generate Angular2 apps based on newer Webpack support, which is now supported by default in angular-cli
- ng2-bootstrap support out of the box
- Auto-compilation support for SCSS
- Configuration for Deployment on Heroku
- Uses Express to serve from Heroku
First, install angular-cli, Yeoman and generator-angular2-sass-gulp-heroku using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).
npm install -g angular-cli
npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-angular2-sass-gulp-heroku
Then generate your new project:
yo angular2-sass-gulp-heroku
This will create a new Angular2 project in the directory you executed the command listed above.
To check what all options you can pass to the generator, run:
yo angular2-sass-gulp-heroku --help
NOTE: The README file of the generated project contains all the details regarding how to work with it.