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a expense tracker app made using flutter and a django back-end.

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💸Expense Tracker

A money tracking app made using flutter with a custom app backend.

📰 Description

This is a expense tracker which will trackup with you expense data, the app comes with a user auth system with a profile i.e, you have a customizable profile. A budget mechanism is added so that the expenses can be made track off.

🍮 User Interface and Idea

I have tried to follow a design found on,but as the data demanded changed most of the parts. The idea for this app is found on given by philipp lackner.

🧱 Structure

For better understanding of the project the project is divided via layers mainly the data ,domain and app.

  • 🟡 DATA The data layer specilizes in data fetching cahing and acts as a connector between the domain layer models and the Ui layer here the app.The contents of this layer are .

    • Dto(Data Transfer Objects) classes which 🏪 transfer the Json Data into Dart Objects
    • Entity which are extended with HiveObject which object will be stored as cached data.
    • Local contains the Dao(Data access obejcts) which helps to 🛫interact i.e, the CRUD operartions with the databse
    • Remote contains all the REST(Restful) api implementations that the app used to connect to server for the data
    • The Respository contains all the repo implementations that are used in the app
  • 🔴 DOMAIN The domain layer contains the models that the UI layer uses to present or change data,along with models it contains the abstact repository which can be implemented to present the available interactions

  • 🟢 CONTEXT This layer contains as the Service Locator.These services need to be injected to the app layer,buy the methods available on those Object one can produce the changes in the app like fetching new data,adding data. This app uses the bloc pattern using flutter_bloc. The Objects now have depedency that are added at the root level for example

    This is the repostiory for the profile service

        create: (context) => SomeRepositoryImpl(
          di: CustomDependency()),

    This service acts as a dependency for the ProfileCubit

        create: (context) => SomeBloc(

    Now to interact with the ProfileCubit with the help of flutter_bloc package<SomeBloc>().changeIt();
  • 🟣 App The app layer is self explanatory it contains the UI, as this app has a lot of functions I have put all the service locators at the root level. For routing I have used go_router

    The basic router stucture

    final router = GoRouter(
        initialLocation: '/',
        routes: [
            GoRoute(path: '/', builder: (context, state) => const Home()),
            path: '/settings',
            builder: (context, state) => const Settings(),

    Not explaing the Ui layer much here it just contain a bunch od widgets and routes.

💠 Features

The app contains a lot of features to be discussed,most of the features avaliable with the backend are implemented in the client.

  • 👮 Authentication As per the sever toekn based authentication is implemented JWT. The tokens are sucurely stored in the app via flutter_secure_storage.The clients are paired up with a auth interceptors which will add the Authorization token in the header and ask for the new token when the access token get expires.
  • 🥳 Profile A user can change his profile, the profile data is a stream thus the user can see the current changes on the way after the change has been made.
  • 🎛️ Budget,Goals and Others The other features like expenses ,income,sources,category are queried over to the server the previous cached data is removed, and the new added data is read.


A project is never finish, ideas will be blooming in the process of development thus adding a ✔️ checklist of those if decided to implement latter.

  • 🧹 Cleaner UI The UI of the app is clean but it can be much more customized to look even better

  • 🦀 Proper Error Messages Due to the lack of time the error messages aren't that good, those dont provide the user with perfect reason of error

  • 💫 Retry Being a CRUD operation heavy app , there should be an option to retry. If the request failed for some reason.

  • 📊 Charts An expense app should alawys have a chart to show the changes,This is an important feature and should had been taken into account previously.

🏃 Run the App

This is the client for the expense_tracker server make sure you 🚀 run the server first. To run the server follow the instructions on backend.

To start this project on your local computermake sure flutter installed on your local machine. otherwise follow the installation guide.

  • Clone this repository

        git clone ''
        cd expense_tracker
  • Get dependencies

        flutter pub get

Some files are need to be generated to continue run the next command to generate the files

  • Generate *.g.dart and *.freezed.dart files

        flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

🤔 This will take a minute or so, have some water for the movement.

You are all done here, you can now run the project.


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