Serverless Multi-tenant monolithic backend app made with NestJS 8 + Serverless Framework
- NestJS 8 + Fastify + TypeORM
- NestJS/Graphql - multiple endpoints (public, management, internal)
- Pagination, sort, search and filtering for Rest & Graphql APIs
- Includes Buniness logic Exceptions with namespaced codes
- Using Exception filters and logging
- custom validators
- Serverless Framework 3
- serverless-offline (full working local envrionnement with aws services mocking)
- single Lambda function aka. mono-lambda
- use of Lambda function URLs instead of Lambda + Api Gateway
- Custom domain endpoints (Route53 → Cloudfront → Lambda)
- arm64 architecture for lambda
- using 100% aws-sdk (v3)
- AWS Cognito JWT token validation with AuthGuard
- Cognito module
- SQS module: SQS producer/consumer (use of NestJS Standalone application for consumer)
- SES module (inspired by @ssut/nestjs-sqs)
- S3 module
- SecretsManager module: used by database module to load db credentials
- Semantic Versioning:
$ yarn install
# development
$ yarn start
# watch mode
$ yarn start:{app-name}:dev
# unit tests
$ yarn test
# e2e tests
$ yarn test:e2e
# test coverage
$ yarn test:cov