This tool allows you to create docker images or Dockerfiles customized with the tools of your choice (that are integrated in this tool).
This is ideal for when you need some tool that you don't have installed and/or don't want to install or mess your system with. Create your image, run the container, use the tool/s and throw it away when you are done, or keep it for future uses.
You will require to have installed Docker and go in your system. Eventually I will be releasing the binaries for the three major platforms, so you won't required to have go installed. Clone this repository and build the binary:
git clone
cd docker-image-generator
make build
Or download the compiled binary for your architecture from the latest release. After downloading, give it executable permission and move it somewhere in your PATH:
chmod +x doig-xxx
sudo mv doig-xxx /usr/local/bin/doig
This tool creates a customized docker image with the tools you need
Usage: doig [--tools TOOLS] [--category CATEGORY] [--image IMAGE] [--dockerfile] [--list] [--update]
--tools TOOLS, -t TOOLS
List of tools separated by blank spaces
--category CATEGORY, -c CATEGORY
List of categories separated by blank spaces
--image IMAGE, -i IMAGE
Image name in lowercase
--dockerfile, -d Prints out the Dockerfile
--list, -l List the available tools and categories
--update, -u Update tools
--help, -h display this help and exit
The first time you run the application it will download the lates set of tools and will create a directory called .doig in your home directory. If you want to set up the application in a different directory, just define the environment variable DOIG_PATH
with the PATH where you want to setup doig.
To update the tools:
./doig -u [*] Updating tools ... [*] Tools updated ... ...
List the tools available alphabetically:
./doig -l [*] Tools [-] altdns [-] amass [-] anonsurf ... [*] Categories [-] reversing [-] exploitation [-] osint ...
Prints out a Dockerfile with the tools of your choice:
./doig -d -t nmap sqlmap wfuzz [*] Adding nmap [*] Adding sqlmap [*] Adding wfuzz FROM ubuntu:18.04 RUN apt update && \ apt install -y software-properties-common git curl p7zip-full locales && \ add-apt-repository -y ppa:longsleep/golang-backports && \ apt update && \ localedef -i en_US -c -f UTF-8 -A /usr/share/locale/locale.alias en_US.UTF-8 ENV LANG en_US.utf8 RUN apt install -y nmap && \ apt install -y sqlmap && \ apt install -y python-setuptools wfuzz && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
You can copy that file and use it with docker [image] build
Creates a docker image:
./doig -i mytools -t nmap sqlmap wfuzz [*] Adding nmap [*] Adding sqlmap [*] Adding wfuzz Step 1/4 : FROM ubuntu:18.04 ---> 4e5021d210f6 ... ---> 92bb29c4fc45 Successfully built 92bb29c4fc45 Successfully tagged mytools:latest
This creates a docker image called mytools
. Now you can just get shell inside and use your tools:
docker run -it --rm mytools
By default we'll be in /opt directory. Inside this directory you will find a file called tools.txt (if we added any tools when creating the image), which contains the list of the tools added to the image.
Or run a tool directly without getting a shell:
docker run -it --rm mytools nmap localhost
Starting Nmap 7.60 ( ) at 2020-04-10 21:35 UTC
Nmap scan report for localhost (
Each tool has assigned a category, so it is also possible to install all the tools of a specific category.
This would create an image with all the tools belonging to the recon
./doig -i mytools -c recon
You can also spcify individual tools and categories. This would create an image with all the tools belonging to the recon
category, plus sqlmap:
./doig -i mytools -c recon -t sqlmap
This would create an image with all tools:
./doig -i mytools -c all
I'm actively working on fixes, cleanup, improvements, etc.
I hope you find this tool useful.