A template for creating new fullstack, web-based products. Uses the following tools & tech:
- NextJS / ReactJS
- Prisma ORM
- Nexus GraphQL
- Apollo Client
- Styled Components
- Jest
- Storybook
- Docker & Docker compose
- Postgres
Dockerized dependencies & docker testing is managed via make
, please see the ./Makefile for a list and explanation of all commands.
make init
Resolve any issues reported
# setup & run infra dependencies (eg: postgres)
make docker.infra
# run NextJS in docker mode (prod testing)
make docker.web
# make sure dockerized postgres is running
make docker.infra
# make sure database is in sync with migrations
make local.migrations.commit
# start nextjs in dev mode
make local.web
To create new database models:
- Edit the prisma/schema.prisma file.
- Run
make local.migrations.stage local.migrations.commit
- Restart development server regenerate codegen.