Seamlessly combine different programming languages and libs visually.
Algonia is Visual Microservices platform to simplify programming languages interoperability
You can read more about it and check Hello World example here.
Algonia platform contains three main parts.
Independent executing engine capable of hosting different environments and executing code written in different programming languages.
It's a gluing mechanism between your and 3rd party libraries.
Check it out here.
Development tool for combining code visually.
You can check it here
Algonia Engine is capable to interact and host environments for different programming languages.
However, some languages are required to implement standard interface so that communication with Algonia Engine performs flawlessly.
This is one time task per language.
Example of language that didn't need any additional bindings is Python.
Both, Python interpreter environment hosting and system calls are performed inside Algonia Engine.
Example of language that needed additional bindings is .NET Core.
Algonia Engine hosts .NET Core runtime, but tiny wrapper is needed on .NET Core side that offers practically unlimited integration possibilities.
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