This script converts DALI codes into human readable messages. DALI is the digital addressable lighting interface as described here.
The source for the DALI code can be one of
- serial port
- Lunatone DALI / USB converter (see: Lunatone)
This script is based on the following standards
- IEC 62386-102 control gear
- IEC 62386-103 control device
- IEC 62386-207 LED module DT6
- IEC 62386-208 switching ufnction DT7
- IEC 62386-209 colour control DT8 [options]
./ --port /dev/ttyUSB2 dali_py version 1.0.8 - SevenLab 2022 11618.586 | 0.000 | FF00 | BC OFF 11619.459 | 0.873 | FF06 | BC RECALL MIN LEVEL 11620.596 | 1.137 | FF05 | BC RECALL MAX LEVEL 11626.347 | 5.751 | FF02 | BC DOWN 11626.880 | 0.533 | FF02 | BC DOWN 11627.332 | 0.452 | FF02 | BC DOWN 11633.766 | 6.434 | FF11 | BC GO TO SCENE 1 11635.703 | 1.937 | FF00 | BC OFF
Option | Short | Usage |
--help | display | |
--port <port> | -p <port> | use serial port |
--version | -v | show version information |
--nocolor | don't use colors | |
--absolute | add stamp with absolute time | |
--transparent | print serial input lines | |
--lunatone | -l | use lunatone usb interface |
--debug | set messages to debug level |
- if enabled: absolute timestamp (from host machine)
- timestamp in seconds (from serial message, or host machine for lunatone interface)
- delta time to previous command
- hex data received
- DALI command translation
git clone
For the Lunatone USB adapter you need to copy the file 99-lunatone-dali.rules
into the udev
and reload the udev
sudo cp 99-lunatone-dali.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
This file grants everyone read/write access. If you want to restrict access, you should modify MODE to "0660". You can then grant access to specific user accounts by adding them to the plugdev group. Note that some Linux dirstibutions always require a per user permission. To grant permission to a specific user:
sudo usermod -a -G plugdev username
You will have to log out and then back in for the group change to take effect.
To run the tests enter
cd tests
Each DALI frame is expected to use the following format:
"{" <timestamp> <error> <bits> " " <data> "}"
Only information framed by curly braces is interpreted.
<timestamp> : integer number,
each tick represents 1 millisecond,
number is given in hex presentation,
fixed length of 8 digits
<error> : either a
"-" (minus) indicating normal state, or
"*" (asteriks) inidcating an error
<bits> : data bits received,
number is given in hex presentation,
fixed length of 2 digits
<data> : received data payload,
number is given in hex presentation,
fixed length of 8 digits
In case of an error state:
<bits> : codes the error code
<data> : contains additional error information