This is a Node Express CoffeeScript Stack Template
It comes ready to go with connect-assets that give you the option to use coffee-script and stylus for the client side.
This is a template that can be used to create nodejs applications using
- Node v4.2.x
- Express v4.13.x
- CoffeeScript v1.10.x
- Jade v1.11.0
- Stylus v0.52.x
- bootstrap-stylus 2.3.1 (not a npm module)
- Nib v1.1.x
- Connect Assets v2.5.x
- MongoDB / Mongoose 3.8.x
These will install with npm, just do
npm install
In your project directory.
# Install nodejs and npm
git clone [project-name]
cd [project-name]
npm install
npm install coffee-script -g
npm install mocha -g
npm install docco -g
cake dev
mocha is an extremely powerful and easy to use testing framework
describe 'Sample test', ->
it 'should be true', ->
true.should.equal true
to run mocha
cake test
rm -rf .git
git init
echo 'node_modules' >> '.gitignore'
git add .
git commit -am "first commit"
heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku open
- Jeremy Ashkenas for creating coffee-script
- TJ Holowaychuk for creating express
- Miško Hevery for creating Jasmine-Node
- TJ Holowaychuk for creating mocha and should.js
express-coffee is a template or boiler-plate to get started writing express web applications in CoffeeScript. It comes ready to go with base setup for an Express Web App. It includes a Cakefile that lets you build, spec, and watch your coffeescript as you develop. You hack in the src folder and run cake build to build you server files, write your mocha in your test folder and run cake test or spec to run your test suite. Create your jade views in the views folder and put your public assets in the public folder. Enjoy your express-coffee
pull requests are welcome