I'm Enrique Vázquez, a computer engineer, specialized in genomic data analisys based in Salamanca (Spain). Following the github sugestions here's some info about me:
🌱 I’m currently learning more about Single Cell data analisis, Artificial Inteligence and Cibersecurity. In general I'm improving my skills.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on genomic data análisis, single cell multiomics and spatial-omics
📫 How to reach me: you can contact me in quiquevzquez@gmail.com, quique_vzquez@yahoo.es, quique_vzquez@usal.es or in genomicsal@gmail.com
And here I let you a brief bio:
My interest in science and computing helped me in my specialization, first in programming, with my degrees of Programming Technician, Technical Engineer in Computer Science and Computer Engineer and, later in genomics with the Master in Functional Biology and Genomics. My experience focuses on next generation sequencing, both in bioinformatics analysis and in the design of experiments and new approaches among which I would like to highlight the structure of chromatin through Mnase-Seq and ATAC-Seq, the detection of somatic mutations of very high low frequency through the design of an ultrasensitive protocol with the use of UDI-UMI, and experience with single cell multiomics and spatial transcriptomics.
I have used various iterations of 2nd generation sequencers, mainly Illumina, as well as 3rd generation with Oxford Nanopore. I have experience with the use and programming of robotic handling platforms. My preparation and experience focuses both on the wet laboratory part and on dry data analysis, thus forming a versatile profile that “speaks both languages” as can be seen with my more than 20 articles in journals of international impact as well as like my participation in a hundred different researchs.
I have done bureaucratic work of various kinds. From public tenders for the purchase of new equipment, project requests or selection processes, to the budgeting of new services and the purchase of new products. I have carried out strict control of cohorts of thousands of samples, without having a LIMBS and guaranteeing their correct trace. The more administrative tasks are attractive to me for my training in Engineering, which also has a lot to contribute to these processes.
I have supervised and taught the NGS technologies that I use to various people who have been under my supervision, developing Theses, TFGs or TFMs or who needed specific training for their projects. I have also participated as a teacher in the Introduction to NGS subject in the Máster en Bioinformática Aplicada a la Medicina Personalizada y la Salud taught by the ISCIII for the last 3 years. I usually try to be as didactic as possible when presenting the analyzes I carry out since I consider that one of my strengths is precisely being at that midpoint between the most biological part and the most computational part, being able to understand the challenges and virtues of both parts.