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Package documentation: terrain

Arkonaire edited this page Aug 31, 2019 · 2 revisions

The terrain package contains functions necessary for analyzing map data to identify choke points, split the map into logical zones, create potential fields etc.



Contains implementation of potential functions.

view_potential(potential, plot_type='colorgraded'):

Note: This function will be ported to mapworks.visualizer shortly.

view_potential(potential) displays the potential field indicated in potential as a color graded map with yellow for highest potential and blue for lowest. Here, potential is a 2D array of potential height values.

view_potential(potential, plot_type) displays the potential in a selected plot type. Plot type can be one of the following:

  • 'colorgraded': Default type. Color graded map with yellow for highest potential and blue for lowest.
  • '3d_surface': 3D surface plot for potential.
  • 'contour': Contour plot.

coulomb(map_data, d0=2, nu=800, scale=100):

coulomb(map_data) generates a potential field (2D array of potential heights) based on Coulomb repulsion or inverse r^2 rule. Requires scipy.

Shaping Parameters:

  • d0: Fall off parameter.
  • nu: Potential height parameter.
  • scale: Scale. Similar to fall off.

goalpost(map_size, goal, xi=1 / 700):

coulomb(map_data, goal) generates an attractive paraboloidal potential field centred at the (x, y) tuple goal.

Shaping Parameters:

  • xi: Attractive force parameter.

manhattan(map_data, max_depth=5, return_depth_vector=False):

manhattan(map_data) creates a potential field that decays linearly with distance from the nearest map obstacle.

Shaping Parameters:

  • max_depth: Maximum depth beyond which potential flattens out.
  • return_depth_vector: If set to True, a list of depth vectors is also returned. The nth depth vector is a list of tuples(x, y) at depth n.

distance_transform(map_data, max_depth=6):

distance_transform(map_data) achieves exactly the same thing as manhattan at less than 1% of the time. Requires scipy however.

Implements the TerrainAnalyzer class that identifies choke points and splits the map into logical zones.

TerrainAnalyzer.view_terrain(self, grid=True, gates=True, graph=True):

Note: This function will be ported to mapworks.visualizer shortly.

TerrainAnalyzer.view_terrain() displays the map split into logical zones.

  • grid=False can be used to turn off the grid.
  • gates=False if you don't want to see gate points marked in green.
  • graph=False to turn off the connected graph of zones.


  • TerrainAnalyzer.map_data: The passable map.
  • TerrainAnalyzer.map_size: [m, n] as in map_data.shape.
  • TerrainAnalyzer.height_map: manhattan potential field.
  • TerrainAnalyzer.height_vector: list of lists. The nth list is a list of points at height n.
  • TerrainAnalyzer.max_height: Maximum height of potential field.
  • TerrainAnalyzer.zone_map: 2D array of same size as map_data. Contains zone id of each tile.
  • TerrainAnalyzer.zone_no: Number of logical zones.
  • TerrainAnalyzer.zones: List of zone type objects. See below.
  • TerrainAnalyzer.gate_points: List of points at the boundaries to zones.

Implements Zone type objects for the TerrainAnalyzer.


Zone.update_center() is used by TerrainAnalyzer to calculate mean of all points in the zone.

Zone.add_gate_point(self, adj_zone_id, gate_point):

Zone.add_gate_point(adj_zone_id, gate_point) is used by TerrainAnalyzer to add a gate point to an adjacent zone.


  • Zone.zone_id: Identification number. Starts from 0.
  • Zone.points: List of points in the zone.
  • Zone.size: No. of points in the zone.
  • Center point (mean) of zone.
  • Zone.entry_points: Dictionary with keys being the adjacent zone ids. Values are corresponding gate_points to these zones.