After go-api@5.0.0 is released, go-api no longer needs to be developed within $GOPATH/src directory thanks to the go module support. Make sure your go version is go@1.11 or higher to have full compatibility. You can clone to anywhere outside the $GOPATH as you wish.
$ git clone
$ cd go-api
// Run test
$ go test ./...
// Use makefile
make start
// Or
$ go run main.go
// Build server binaries
$ go build -o go-api
$ ./go-api
Please make sure that you install Glide package manager in the environment. (Switch to go module after v5.0.0)
cd $GOPATH/src/
glide install # Install packages and dependencies
// use Makefile
make start
// or
go run main.go # Run without live-reloading
go build
There are two major dependencies of go-api, one is MySQL database,
another is MongoDB.
MySQL DB stores membership data, which is related to users.
MongoDB stores news entities, which is the content that go-api provides.
// start MySQL and MongoDB
make env-up
// stop MySQL and MongoDB
make env-down
Copy configs/config.example.json
and rename as configs/config.json
Change DBSettings
fields to connect to your own database, like following example.
"DBSettings": {
"Name": "test_membership",
"User": "test_membership",
"Password": "test_membership",
"Address": "",
"Port": "3306"
Copy configs/config.example.json
and rename as configs/config.json
Change MongoDBSettings
fields to connect to your own database, like following example.
"MongoDBSettings": {
"URL": "localhost",
"DBName": "plate",
"Timeout": 5
Currently the source code sends email through AWS SES. If you want to send email through your AWS SES, the config with credentials is needed.
To get credentials, please go to Identity and Access Management (IAM) page and add new user. Note that you need to set user details as follows:
- set user name
- naming convention:
- naming convention:
- select AWS access type: select
Access key - Programmatic access
After creating a new user, remember to copy the Access key ID
and Secret access key
and put them in AWS SES config under ~/.aws/credentials
aws_access_key_id = ${AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}
aws_secret_access_key = ${AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}
For more information, please refer to this guide.
Otherwise, you have to change the utils/mail.go
to integrate with your email service.
- Google
- go to APIs & Services
- copy
Client ID
andClient secret
- edit
oauth: google: id: $Client_ID secret: $Client_secret
- Facebook
- go to apps setting - copy
App ID
andApp secret
- edit
oauth: facebook: id: $App_ID secret: $App_secret
- go to apps setting - copy
Go-api integrates go-migrate to do the schema version control. You can follow the instructions to install the cli from here.
To use Makefile, check following instruction:
Check Current Migration Version
$ make check-version
Upgrade Migration Version
# usage:
# make upgrade-schema UP=<number of version to upgrade>
# UP: <number>, if undefined, upgrade to latest number
# example: upgrade 4 versions
$ make upgrade-schema UP=4
# example: upgrade to latest version
$ make upgrade-schema
Downgrade Migration Version
# usage:
# make downgrade-schema DOWN=<number of version to downgrade>
# DOWN: <number>, if undefined, clear all migration
# example: downgrade 1 version
$ make downgrade-schema DOWN=1
# example: remove all migration
$ make downgrade-schema
Goto Certain Migration Version
# usage:
# make goto-schema SCHEMA_VERSION=<index of which version you want to goto>
# SCHEMA_VERSION: <index number>, if undefined, interactive prompt will ask for index in next line.
# example: goto version 3
$ make goto-schema SCHEMA_VERSION=3
# example: goto version 3
$ make goto-schema
$ 3
Force to Certain Migration Version
# usage:
# make force-schema SCHEMA_VERSION=<index of which version you want to force to>
# SCHEMA_VERSION: <index number>, if undefined, interactive prompt will ask for index in next line.
# notice:
# migrations will not be executed if you use this function.
# you can use this function to clean dirty state while development
# example: force to version 4
$ make force-schema SCHEMA_VERSION=4
# example: force to version 4
$ make force-schema
$ 4
Basic operations are listed below:
# Create migration pair files up/down_000001_$FILE_NAME.$FILE_EXTENSION in $FILE_DIR
migrate create -ext $FILE_EXTENSION -dir $FILE_DIR -seq $FILE_NAME
# Upgrade to the latest version in migration directory
migrate -databsae $DATABASE_CONNECTION -path $MIGRATION_DIR up
# Remove all the existing versions change
migrate -database $DATABASE_CONNECTION -path $MIGRATION_DIR down
# Upgrade/Downgrade to the specific versions
more details in FAQ and godoc(old repo)
- Make sure the environment you run the test has a running
server andMongoDB
// use Makefile
make test
// or
go test $(glide novendor)
// or print logs
go test -v $(glide novendor)
Go-api is MIT licensed