A Deno library to keep everything small.
import server from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/txthinking/denolib/master/httpserver.js';
server.path('/hello',async (request) =>
new Response('Hello World',{ status : 200 }));
server.run({ port : 2020 });
httpserver.staticdir = '/path/to/static';
Static + DenoBundle
import readFileSync from './bundle.js';
httpserver.readfile = (path) =>
readFileSync('static' + path);
httpserver.spa = true;
httpserver.cors = '*';
httpserver.default = (request) => {...}
import crypto from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/txthinking/denolib/master/crypto.js';
// Pass in a 32 length key
const kv = crypto('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz012345');
const token = await kv.encrypt('uid',1);
const uid = await kv.decrypt('uid',token);
// Only allow token to be valid for 30 days
const uid = await kv.decrypt('uid',token,30 * 24 * 60 * 60);
import mysql from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/txthinking/denolib/master/mysql.js';
const database = await mysql({
hostname : '' ,
password : '111111' ,
username : 'root' ,
poolSize : 3 ,
port : 3306 ,
db : 'dbname'
import migrate from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/txthinking/denolib/master/migrate.js';
const mg = await migrate(database);
// Each unique id execute at most once
await mg('A unique id string', `
id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
email varchar(191) COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL default '',
await mg('Another unique id string','another sql');
if you want to use this four methods, set auto increment primary key: id, set not null and default value for each field
// table name and row object, keys must match table fields or less
const row = await database.c('user',{
email : 'hi@httpserver.com'
// object keys must match table fields or less and must contain id
const row = await database.u('user',{
email : 'hey@httpserver.com' ,
id : 1
// pass in id
const row = await database.r('user',1);
// pass in id
await database.d('user',1);
const rows = await database.query(
'select * from user where id=?',[1]);
await database.execute(
'update user set email=? where id=?',
[ 'hi@httpserver.com' , 1 ]);
const request = await database.transaction(async (database) => {
const request = await database.c('user',{
email : 'hey@httpserver.com'
// throw new Error('rollback');
await database.execute('update user set email=? where id=?',
[ 'hi@httpserver.com' , 1 ]);
const rows = await database.query(
'select * from user where id=?',[1]);
return rows;
import redis from 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/txthinking/denolib/master/redis.js';
const rds = await redis({
hostname : '' ,
port : 6379
const request = await rds.exec( 'set' , 'hi' , 'httpserver' );
const request = await rds.exec( 'get' , 'hi' );
await rds.pipeline((rds) => {
rds.exec( 'set' , 'hi' , 'httpserver' );
rds.exec( 'set' , 'hey' , 'httpserver' );
Guarantee atomicity
await rds.transaction((rds) => {
rds.exec( 'set' , 'hi' , 'httpserver1' );
rds.exec( 'set' , 'hey' , 'httpserver2' );
const channel = await rds.subscribe('channel');
for await (const event of channel.receive())