Unicolor A dark theme inspired by unicorns Unicolor is accessible and adheres to WCAG AAA guidelines. See for yourself. Sample Click to view sample application Colors Color Name HEX HSL RGB Black #1A1D1A 120, 5.5%, 10.8% 26, 29, 26 Charcoal #2C3539 198.5, 12.9%, 19.8% 44, 53, 57 Grey #A0ABA0 120, 6.1%, 64.9% 160, 171, 160 White #F7F6F3 45, 20%, 96.1% 247, 246, 243 Tan #DDD1C7 27.3, 24.4%, 82.4% 221, 209, 199 Melon #FDBBA7 14, 95.6%, 82.4% 253, 187, 167 Pink #F4869E 346.9, 83.3%, 74.1% 244, 134, 158 Mint #A6D5CE 171.1, 35.9%, 74.3% 166, 213, 206 Turquoise #00BDBD 180, 100%, 37.1% 0, 189, 189 Blue #71D2FE 198.7, 98.6%, 72% 113, 210, 254 Lavender #CEC1EC 258.1, 53.1%, 84.1% 206, 193, 236 Purple #B29EE0 258.2, 51.6%, 74.9% 178, 158, 224 Todo Create spec document Add support for Atom Add support for Hyper Add support for Slack Add support for many more Credits Unicorn icon created by Freepik - Flaticon