Font of choice: FiraCode
iTerm 2 theme: TokyoNight - Storm
Instal dependencies for telescope:
- ripgrep -
brew install ripgrep
- fd -
brew install fd
- ripgrep -
Install LSPs
- Ruby via solargraph
- Javascript (and typescript) via tsserver
- ESlint via vscode-eslint-language-server
I'm still using oh-my-zsh for my zsh configuration. Set language/computer-specific dependencies in
brew install oh-my-zsh
ln -s ./zshrc ~/.zshrc
My tmux configuration is super basic and doesn't change much
brew install tmux
ln -s ./tmux.conf ~/.tmux.conf
I've recently switched from vim to neovim and in the process I'm evaluating how relevant individual
plugins are so there is not yet parity between my vimrc
and init.vim
brew install neovim
ln -s ./nvim ~/.config/nvim
- Boot neovim
- Run