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Personal "dotfile" configurations, managed with Nix. Supports NixOS and Darwin (macOS).


Note: The commands below assume that the repository is cloned to ~/.dotfiles:

git clone ~/.dotfiles

Initial build


(Available hosts can be found in hardware configurations.)

sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ~/.dotfiles#<HOST>

# For example:
# sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake ~/.dotfiles#ruzia


Install Nix using the Determinate Systems Nix Installer.

nix run home-manager -- switch --flake ~/.dotfiles

# Or, for a "work" configuration
# nix run home-manager -- switch --flake ~/.dotfiles#work

Subsequent builds

Subsequent builds can be handled with a just recipe from the included Justfile:

just rebuild # <HOST>

# For example:
# just rebuild
# just rebuild ruzia
# To see available hosts on the current system:
just rebuild --hosts

Development environment

Assuming you already have direnv, just, and nushell installed (which you will after installing the configuration), a development environment can be created by running:

just init

Run just to see available "recipes," and just <recipe> --help/-h to get more information about a particular recipe.

Available recipes:
(run `just <recipe> --help/-h` for more info)
    annotate *filename       # View file annotated with version control information
    check *args              # Check flake and run pre-commit hooks
    clean *all               # Run `prune` and `optimise`
    deps *args               # List dependencies
    diff *args               # View the diff between hosts
    diff-env *args           # View the diff between environments
    find-recipe *search_term # Search available `just` recipes
    generations *help        # View generations
    help *recipe             # View help text
    history *args            # View project history
    hosts *help              # List available hosts
    init *help               # Initialize direnv environment
    issue *args              # View issues
    optimise *help           # Replace identical files in the Nix store by hard links
    prune *args              # Collect garbage and remove old generations
    rebuild *args            # Rebuild and switch to (or --test) a configuration
    release *args            # Create a new release
    remote *web              # View remote repository
    rollback *id             # Rollback to a previous generation
    shell *host              # Open Nix REPL with flake loaded
    stats *help              # View repository analytics
    update-deps *help        # Update dependencies
    view-source *recipe      # View the source code for a recipe