Typek is a collection of useful, runtime-agnostic functions and types, serving as something of a standard library for TypeScript.
We have assertions and type assertions for unit testing, methods for transformations of iterables, and even ways of mapping entire objects in a type-safe manner.
Array.from(unique("Hello world!")).join("") // Helo wrd!
const company = {
ceo: { name: "Joe", surname: "Doe" },
dev: { name: "Peter", surname: "Meter" },
.deepTransform(isPerson, ({name, surname}) => `${name} ${surname}`)
// { ceo: "Joe Doe", dev: "Peter Meter" }
assertTypeEquals<string | 42, string | 42>(); // ok!
assertTypeEquals<any, string | 42>(); // fail!
const { isDate, isResponse } = prototypeGuard({ Date, Response });
- Properly document and test all current functionality
- Match core functionality of utility-types, ts-toolbelt and typescript-tuple
- Match core functionality of lodash and typedash
- Match functionality of @type/is