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Husky pre-commit fails with code 1 (error) #1014

abhinavkgrd opened this issue Jul 21, 2021 · 56 comments

Husky pre-commit fails with code 1 (error) #1014

abhinavkgrd opened this issue Jul 21, 2021 · 56 comments


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abhinavkgrd commented Jul 21, 2021

Committing from vs-code Source control returns this error but the command line works fine

vscode version - 1.58.2

Command output

husky - pre-commit hook exited with code 1 (error)


. "$(dirname "$0")/_/"

yarn lint-staged

package json

"scripts": {
    "lint-staged": "lint-staged",
    "postinstall": "husky install"
    "husky": "^7.0.0",
    "lint-staged": "^11.0.0",

 "lint-staged": {
    "src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}": "eslint"

"husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "yarn run lint-staged"

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Similar issues with VS Code Version: 1.59.0

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kapilrc commented Sep 29, 2021

Having same issue with VS code version 1.60.2

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It looks like this is actually a lint-staged issue, specifically broken dependencies in version 11.2.4.

See if you can reproduce this:

  • git commit from command line also fails:

    $ git commit --allow-empty-message
    husky - pre-commit hook exited with code 1 (error)
  • yarn lint-staged is in fact silently failing and returning exit code 1:

    $ yarn lint-staged
    $ echo $?

If so, the problem should be fixed soon: lint-staged/lint-staged#1032

In the meantime, pinning lint-staged to 11.1.4 should resolve the problem for now.

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Husky can prevent you from bad git commit, git push and more. If you are getting this error check your code syntax, in case if you are getting this error even your code is valid. Please use the below command.

git commit -m "message" --no-verify

from: here

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ooliver1 commented Nov 21, 2021

same with vscode for me

> git -c user.useConfigOnly=true commit --quiet --allow-empty-message --file - -S

SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
    at wrapSafe (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:988:16)
    at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1036:27)
    at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1101:10)
    at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:937:32)
    at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:12)
    at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:961:19)
    at module.exports (C:\Users\olive\node_modules\import-fresh\index.js:32:59)
    at loadJs (C:\Users\olive\node_modules\cosmiconfig\dist\loaders.js:16:18)
    at Explorer.loadFileContent (C:\Users\olive\node_modules\cosmiconfig\dist\Explorer.js:84:32)
    at Explorer.createCosmiconfigResult (C:\Users\olive\node_modules\cosmiconfig\dist\Explorer.js:89:36)
husky - commit-msg hook exited with code 1 (error)
// commitlint.config.js
module.exports = {
    extends: ["@commitlint/config-conventional"]

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randomly closed, it was the encoding was utf-16

maybe dont close without a comment

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try to restart your vscode

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Husky can prevent you from bad git commit, git push and more. If you are getting this error check your code syntax, in case if you are getting this error even your code is valid. Please use the below command.

git commit -m "message" --no-verify

from: here

or git config --unset core.hooksPath

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TheExGenesis commented Jan 6, 2022

yarn lint-staged and git commit work fine, the only occasion in which it doesn't work is when I commit from VS Code Source Control (VSC's GUI for git commands). After editing ./.huskyrc the output console reads

> git ls-files --stage -- /home/genesis/Documents/unigraph/unigraph-dev/.huskyrc
> git cat-file -s fdac8cc646628741017ad104f503ebc3507a6e29
> git show --textconv :.huskyrc
Unexpected identifier

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chicken-suop commented Feb 7, 2022

For me, this issue is not because of husky, but because of lint-staged. I resolved it by removing lint-staged. I use eslint --cache instead

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Hi people, a have a similar issue to run commands in pre-push hook. Via command-line it works without problems.
I'm using nvm with a specific version to the project path.

My VS Code version is:

Version: 1.64.0
Commit: 5554b12acf27056905806867f251c859323ff7e9
Date: 2022-02-03T04:20:17.224Z
Electron: 13.5.2
Chromium: 91.0.4472.164
Node.js: 14.16.0
OS: Darwin x64 20.6.0

Output error:
.husky/pre-push: line 4: npm: command not found

Inside file I have a npm command:
npm run test:ci

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In my case "lint-staged" configuration was missing from package.json after a merge conflict was resolved. Added it back and no more issues.

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git config --unset core.hooksPath

This worked for me

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Liiva commented May 13, 2022

In my case when trying to commit from my IDE it would give the non-descriptive error Unexpected identifier, while committing from command line worked fine.

It turned out my IDE used an earlier node version (6.14.4 vs 7.19.1 from my terminal), upping the version fixed this for me.

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it seems from this thread that husky can have a lot of issues that cause the same vague error, this might need to be addressed

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git config --unset core.hooksPath


git config --unset core.hooksPath

This worked for me

Me too, greate~

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git config --unset core.hooksPath

This worked for me

This just disables husky for me.

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Husky can prevent you from bad git commit, git push and more. If you are getting this error check your code syntax, in case if you are getting this error even your code is valid. Please use the below command.
git commit -m "message" --no-verify
from: here

or git config --unset core.hooksPath

This does NOT resolve the issue, but a work around to ignore the issue.

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I was able to resolve this error by running each precommit command individually. Turns out my test command (jest) was causing the error due to an obsolete snapshot.

Note that Jest seems to hide that this actually causes an error code 🤦 and instead makes it look like a warning, so if this is your problem you'll never actually see an error code directly from Jest. That's probably why this only appeared as an error through Husky for me, and I imagine there could be many other situations where an individual command is swallowing the error code to make it look like Husky's fault.

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aghwotu commented Aug 17, 2022

I was able to resolve this error by running each precommit command individually. Turns out my test command (jest) was causing the error due to an obsolete snapshot.

Note that Jest seems to hide that this actually causes an error code 🤦 and instead makes it look like a warning, so if this is your problem you'll never actually see an error code directly from Jest. That's probably why this only appeared as an error through Husky for me, and I imagine there could be many other situations where an individual command is swallowing the error code to make it look like Husky's fault.

This was my issue. Thank you for your comment.

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I just renamed from commitlint.config.js to commitlint.config.cjs
It worked without any error.

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Got the same error.
My issue might be that hooks that should be run before committing or pushing have an error.
eg., in my .husky/pre-commit
it will run yarn lint before I commit.
so after solving the error in yarn lint, mine commit works.

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Maybe it will help someone, everything worked out for me after changing single quotes to double ones in package.json

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I got the same error as well.
Turns out I was running Node v10 when trying to commit, a quick swap over to v16 and all was good.

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fmruiz commented Jan 16, 2023

git config --unset core.hooksPath

This worked for me

You must to verify this because with this command you're disabling commit checks

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I checked mine and saw that my lint-stages config

  "lint-staged": {
    "**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}": [
      "npm run lint"

was not directly in the root of the package.json

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mushyoom commented Feb 8, 2023

git config --unset core.hooksPath

This worked for me

Thanks, you saved my time.

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This worked for me:

First I ran npx commitlint and I got a prompt to update commitlint. Apparently, it seemed that commitlint needed an update

Need to install the following packages:
Ok to proceed? (y) y

And voila! Subsequent commits were successful

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Husky can prevent you from bad git commit, git push and more. If you are getting this error check your code syntax, in case if you are getting this error even your code is valid. Please use the below command.
git commit -m "message" --no-verify
from: here

or git config --unset core.hooksPath

The git config --unset core.hooksPath worked for me.

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Just create a file called .lintstagedrc and put this:

  "*.{js,jsx}": ["npm run lint:js"]

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Your package.json must be an actual JSON rather than just JavaScript Object. I change the following from:

  "lint-staged": {
    "**/*": ["prettier --write --ignore-unknown"],
    "**/*.{ts,tsx}": ["jest --bail"]


  "lint-staged": {
    "**/*": "prettier --write --ignore-unknown",
    "**/*.{ts,tsx}": "jest --bail"

And the issue was fixed.

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That error happened me, too.
I add following line to my package.json, then that error was fixed.

"lint-staged": { "src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,json,css,scss,md}": [ "prettier --write" ] }

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"test" : "mocha"

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git config --unset core.hooksPath
git config --get core.hooksPath
git commit -m "type your comment here" --no-verify
git push origin yourbranch

these 4 lines of code are saving me

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jcubic commented Aug 7, 2023

I have the same error without any output:

#!/usr/bin/env sh
. "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/"

FILES=`git diff --name-only --cached --diff-filter=d | grep -E '(ts|tsx)$'`;

if [ ! -z "$FILES" ]; then
  for file in $FILES; do
      npx prettier --write $file;
      npx eslint --fix $file;
  git add $FILES

Is there any way to force Husky to show what is the error? My script works fine If I comment out . "$(dirname -- "$0")/_/" and return true.

I've also tried this:

FILES=`git diff --name-only --cached --diff-filter=d | grep -E '(ts|tsx)$'`;

for file in $FILES; do
    npx prettier --write $file;
    npx eslint --fix $file;
test ! -z "$FILES" && git add $FILES || true

and Husky keep showing an error.

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jcubic commented Aug 7, 2023

So the problem was if the FILES is empty grep will return non-zero code and the whole hook will fail and the rest will not be executed.

I've solved the issue with this code:

FILES=`git diff --name-only --cached --diff-filter=d | grep -E '(ts|tsx)$' || true`;

if [ ! -z "$FILES" ]; then
  for file in $FILES; do
      npx prettier --write $file;
      npx eslint --fix $file;
  git add $FILES

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I was having this problem and the output was complaining about "Unexpected token '??='". I'm using nvm, and this seems to be related to which version of node is loaded by default in the terminal (in this case, one which didn't understand this operator), regardless of my config switching node version based on the presence of a .nvmrc file.

In my case when I checked I had version 14 pinned in my path.

I was able to work around this by:

  1. Setting nvm alias default <desired default, e.g. lts/hydrogen>
  2. Removing version 14 from my path, and adding <.nvm_path>/alias/default instead

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In my case husky was always getting node 14. Changing nvm default version didn't work or changing the PATH variable because the version was pinned in my .huskyrc file. I recommend you all checking that evil file.

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In my case I keep getting this error, I really dunno where the issue is coming from, there is not a clear message to indicate the problem, husky is installed properly, if I am to comment out the script related to npm or npx, it just works fine. But the npm n npx commands keeps getting canceled


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jcubic commented Sep 13, 2023

@mjaynixxz this is something different because you have an error from npm, not only the error code. Did you look into the log file?

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if deleting node modules and running lint in your project can't help try to restart your computer

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Husky can prevent you from bad git commit, git push and more. If you are getting this error check your code syntax, in case if you are getting this error even your code is valid. Please use the below command.
git commit -m "message" --no-verify
from: here

or git config --unset core.hooksPath


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I updated my VSCode version.This fixed my issue.
Maybe restarting all VSCode window is the solution for this issue.

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Husky can prevent you from bad git commit, git push and more. If you are getting this error check your code syntax, in case if you are getting this error even your code is valid. Please use the below command.

git commit -m "message" --no-verify

from: here

It Worked for me 👍

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OahMada commented Jan 9, 2024

In my case, everything works if I commit from VSCode's integrated terminal, but it's not the case in SourceTree.

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ktsangop commented Feb 2, 2024

I was having this problem and the output was complaining about "Unexpected token '??='". I'm using nvm, and this seems to be related to which version of node is loaded by default in the terminal (in this case, one which didn't understand this operator), regardless of my config switching node version based on the presence of a .nvmrc file.

In my case when I checked I had version 14 pinned in my path.

I was able to work around this by:

  1. Setting nvm alias default <desired default, e.g. lts/hydrogen>
  2. Removing version 14 from my path, and adding <.nvm_path>/alias/default instead

Thanks for this

Just adding that I had nvm installed inside git bash (for Windows), and I wasn't able to find the path to the nvm installed nodejs instances.
So I removed my system's default nodejs installation (which was an older one), and installed a more recent one.
That way, husky was able to point to a compatible nodejs version, and my CLI (git bash) kept pointing to the nvm defined "default" version.

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I had this problem today with "lint-staged": "^15.2.2"

Tried many things from this thread and another, but nothing worked so I decided to go with git commit -m "message" --no-verify

P.S. if anyone would like to know: "husky": "^8.0.0", "prettier": "^3.2.5", "vite": "^5.2.0"

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git config --unset core.hooksPath

This works but you are now missing your hooks 😆

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JJozef commented Apr 20, 2024

Same error


"husky": "9.0.11",
"@commitlint/cli": "19.2.2",
"@commitlint/config-conventional": "19.2.2",
"lint-staged": "15.2.2",

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lint-staged not supporting nodejs version 12 anymore. Update your node, it'll work

serverless/serverless#11249 (comment)

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For those who tried git config --unset core.hooksPath with a custom Husky setup in a root .husky directory, you'll need to run git config --local core.hooksPath .husky to get Husky working again.

trants added a commit to focela/weasel that referenced this issue Jul 19, 2024
* Husky pre-commit fails with code 1

- (#1014): typicode/husky#1014
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In my case, I had below line in my pre-commit file..

FILES=$(git diff --cached --name-only | grep '^APIs/.*\.json')
[ -z "$FILES" ] && echo "No changes detected..." && exit 0;

This returned an empty FILES, so husky was giving the above error. With a little bit of digging I have changed the line to below, it worked fine. I don't know why husky is exiting there and not just allowing the below line to work, that needs to be checked. But for those struggling like me here is the corrected version.

FILES=$(git diff --cached --name-only | grep '^APIs/.*\.json' || true)

This runs expectedly in each case...

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